| - Electrospray of protein and DNA solutions is currentlyused to generate ions for mass spectrometric analysis ofthese molecules. Deposition of charged electrosprayproducts on certain areas of a substrate under control ofelectrostatic forces is suggested here as a method forfabrication of multiple deposits of any size and form. Forexample, multiple dots of protein, DNA, or other organicsubstances can be deposited simultaneously through anarray of holes in a dielectric mask covering any slightlyconductive substrate (membrane, wet glass, semiconductor, etc.). If every new substance is deposited after a shiftof the mask with respect to the substrate, a multicomponent matrix is created under each hole. It is demonstratedthat dots as small as 2−6 microns can be fabricated bysuch an electrospray deposition (ESD). It is also demonstrated that the ES-deposited proteins and DNA retaintheir ability to specifically bind antibodies and matchingDNA probes, respectively, enabling use of the ESDfabricated matrixes in Dot Immuno-Binding (DIB) and inDNA hybridization assays.