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À propos de : Minimizing the Number of Voltage Sources andFluid Reservoirs for Electrokinetic Valving inMicrofluidic Devices        

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  • Minimizing the Number of Voltage Sources andFluid Reservoirs for Electrokinetic Valving inMicrofluidic Devices
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  • A microchip gated valve is demonstrated that uses a singlevoltage source and three fluid reservoirs. The fluidic valveis a cross intersection, and the channels are dimensionedto perform the appropriate voltage division, simplifyingthe voltage control hardware. A single voltage source isapplied directly to the sample reservoir and through ahigh-voltage relay to the buffer reservoir, and the wastereservoir is grounded. The volume of sample dispensedis determined by the duration that the high-voltage relayis open. Volumetric reproducibility is demonstrated to be<0.5% relative standard deviation for volumes of ≥20 pL.The valve is tested for the minimum applied voltagenecessary for leakage-free operation, i.e., sample diffusingfrom the cross intersection into the analysis channel.Moreover, appropriate channel dimensions are used tominimize the number of fluid reservoirs allowing effluentfrom the analysis and waste channels to be combined intoa single reservoir.
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