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| - Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy of Metal/Metal Oxide Electrodes. Analysis of SpatiallyLocalized Electron-Transfer Reactions duringOxide Growth
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| - Scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) has beenused to study the oxidation of iodide at Ta electrodescovered by a thin (∼2.5 nm) film of Ta2O5. SECM imagesof surface activity reveal that the voltammetric responseof a macroscopic Ta electrode comprises the individualresponses of a large number of microscopic sites, eachwith its own unique electrochemical behavior. Oxide filmgrowth and metal dissolution occur simultaneously withiodide oxidation, resulting in a complex voltammetricresponse. The component of the voltammetric current dueto iodide oxidation can be separated from the total currentby SECM analysis. The growth of nanometer-thick oxidefilms can also be studied using SECM by monitoring therate at which iodide is oxidized at the electrode surface.
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