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Copyright © 2000 American Chemical Society
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American Chemical Society
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News from the European Research Conference on Natural Waters and Water Technology: Bioavailability of metals
Effects of Ethanol Volume Percent onFluorescein-Labeled Spinach Apo- andHolocalmodulin
Simultaneous Determination and Speciation ofZinc, Cadmium, Lead, and Copper in Natural Waterwith Minimum Handling and Artifacts, byVoltammetry on a Gel-Integrated MicroelectrodeArray
Ceramic-Based Multisite Microelectrodes forElectrochemical Recordings
Analytical Currents: FETs for fluids
Science: Multisample nanoelectrospray.
A Microwave-Induced Plasma Based on MicrostripTechnology and Its Use for the Atomic EmissionSpectrometric Determination of Mercury with theAid of the Cold-Vapor Technique
News from the 10th Annual Frederick Conference on Capillary Electrophoresis: Beyond proteomics
Polymeric Membrane Electrodes for MonohydrogenPhosphate and Sulfate
People: New Advisory Board and A-page Advisory Panel members appointed
Conditions for Accurate Karl Fischer CoulometryUsing Diaphragm-Free Cells
Books and Software: Books and Software
Analytical Currents: Carbon nanotube electrochemistry
A highly unoriginal idea.
Meetings: HPCE 2000
A Rotating Ball Inlet for On-Line MALDI MassSpectrometry
Detection of the Dipicolinic Acid Biomarker inBacillus Spores Using Curie-Point Pyrolysis MassSpectrometry and Fourier Transform InfraredSpectroscopy
Direct Plasma Sample Injection inMultiple-Component LC−MS−MS Assays forHigh-Throughput Pharmacokinetic Screening
Quenching and Enhancement of AroylLuminescence in Excited Nitrogen
Electroosmosis- and Pressure-DrivenChromatography in Chips Using Continuous Beds
Charge Reduction Electrospray Mass Spectrometry
Heterogeneity within MALDI Samples As Revealedby Mass Spectrometric Imaging
Analytical Currents: Universal enzyme-amplified biochemical detection
Analytical Currents: Sequencing complex sugars
Analytical Currents: Singling out airborne particles
Analytical Currents: OH formation in human platelets
Meetings: Conferences
New Products: New Products
People: 2000 ACS awards
Peer Reviewed: Detecting Proteins Separated by 2-D Gel Electrophoresis.
Science: Separations on the bacterial scale.
Peer Reviewed: The New Interfacial Ubiquity of Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy
Precision Trace Gas Analysis by FT-IRSpectroscopy. 2. The 13C/12C Isotope Ratio of CO2
A Transparent Tool for Seemingly DifficultCalibrations: The Parallel Calibration Method
Adjusting Selectivity in Liquid Chromatography byUse of the Thermally Tuned Tandem ColumnConcept
Selectivity in Capillary ElectrochromatographyUsing Native and Single Isomer AnionicCyclodextrin Reagents
Protein Redox Potential Measurements Based onKinetic Analysis with Mediated Continuous-FlowColumn Electrolytic SpectroelectrochemicalTechnique. Application to TTQ-ContainingMethylamine Dehydrogenase
Analytical Currents: Redesigning the electric cell
QSPR Correlation and Predictions of GC RetentionIndexes for Methyl-Branched HydrocarbonsProduced by Insects
Determination of the Compositional Distribution ofCopolymers by Frontal Analysis ContinuousCapillary Electrophoresis
Product Review: Implementing LIMS: A “how-to” guide.
Precision Trace Gas Analysis by FT-IRSpectroscopy. 1. Simultaneous Analysis of CO2,CH4, N2O, and CO in Air
Pentafluorinated Probes for the X-rayPhotoelectron Spectroscopic Study of ImmobilizedBifunctional Silanes
Capillary Electrokinetic Chromatography withCharged Linear Polymers as a NonmicellarPseudoStationary Phase: Determination ofCapacity Factors and Characterization bySolvation Parameters
News from the 10th Annual Frederick Conference on Capillary Electrophoresis: Fluorescence detection on plastic microchips
A/C WebWorks: Seek and you shall find.
Flow Injection Monitoring and Analysis of Mixturesof Hydrazine Compounds Using Filter-SupportedBilayer Lipid Membranes with Incorporated DNA
An SPR-Based Screening Method for AgonistSelectivity for Insulin Signaling Pathways Basedon the Binding of Phosphotyrosine to Its SpecificBinding Protein
Detection of Sodium and Potassium in SingleHuman Red Blood Cells by 193-nm Laser AblativeSampling: A Feasibility Demonstration
In AC Research: In AC Research
Books and Software: SEC column exhibition.
Analytical Currents: Identifying the natives
Ion Chromatographic Determination of Acidity
Detection of Nanocolloids with Flow-Field FlowFractionation and Laser-Induced BreakdownDetection
Peer Reviewed: Modulated and Pulsed Photoacoustics in Trace Gas Analysis
Analytical Currents: Classifying cancer with microarrays
Science: Miniature microwave plasmas.
Development of Multi-ESI-Sprayer,Multi-Atmospheric-Pressure-inlet MassSpectrometry and Its Application to AccurateMass Measurement Using Time-of-Flight MassSpectrometry
High-Resolution Multiwavelength Surface PlasmonResonance Spectroscopy for ProbingConformational and Electronic Changes in RedoxProteins
Books and Software: Introduction to SPME.
Analytical Currents: All-in-one imaging and sensing
Government and Society: Toward universal measurements
Meetings: ABRF 2000
Beam Injection Flame Furnace Atomic AbsorptionSpectrometry: A New Flame Method
Producing “Self-Plasticizing” Ion-SelectiveMembranes
Equivalent-Circuit Model for the Thickness-ShearMode Resonator with a Viscoelastic Film Near FilmResonance
Raman Spectroscopic Method for Identification ofClinically Relevant Microorganisms Growing onSolid Culture Medium
Observation of Hydrogen−DeuteriumExchange of Ubiquitin by Direct Analysis ofElectrospray Capillary−SkimmerDissociation with Fourier Transform IonCyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry
Direct TLC-MALDI Coupling Using a Hybrid Plate
High-Throughput Flow Cytometric DNA FragmentSizing
Determination of Perchlorate at Trace Levels inDrinking Water by Ion-Pair Extraction withElectrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry
Identification of Dyes on Ancient Chinese PaperSamples Using the Subtracted Shifted RamanSpectroscopy Method
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