| - The chromatographic selectivities of polystyrene-coatedzirconia (PS-ZrO2) have been investigated in detail bymeans of homologue series retention studies and studiesof a variety of nonpolar aromatic positional isomers. Thismaterial has been compared to polybutadiene-coatedzirconia, octadecyl- and phenyl-bonded silica, and polymer-based reversed phases. In addition, the separations of awide variety of compound classes on PS-ZrO2 werecompared with those on other aromatic and aliphaticRPLC phases. The PS-ZrO2 material exhibits substantialdifferences in selectivity toward nonpolar and polar analytes as compared to other phases, especially with respectto polybutadiene-coated zirconia (PBD-ZrO2). On PS-ZrO2, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) areretained much more than are alkylbenzenes, whereas onPBD-ZrO2 the opposite is observed. In addition, PS-ZrO2has much greater selectivity than does PBD-ZrO2 for theseparation of structural isomers which differ in the position of phenyl groups. In general, even though the carboncontent of PS-ZrO2 is much lower than that of conventionalreversed-phase materials, such as octadecyl-bonded silica(C18-SiO2), polar analytes exhibit sufficient retention anddifferential selectivity on PS-ZrO2 that resolution comparable to that on C18-SiO2 can be obtained but withsubstantially improved analysis times.