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Books and Software: LIMS simplified with Nautilus
Analytical Currents: Retention by theory
News from the 4th Symposium on the Analysis of Well-Characterized Biotechnology Pharmaceuticals: Public standards for biotechnology products
Characterization of Dyes and Other Pollutants inthe Effluent of a Textile Company by LC/NMR andLC/MS
Adsorption-Based Electrochemical Detection ofNonelectrochemically Active Analytes for CapillaryElectrophoresis
Ion Trap Collisional Activation of the (M + 2H)2+ −(M + 17H)17+ Ions of Human Hemoglobin β-Chain
Analytical Currents: MALDI of a vesicle
Analytical Currents: Longer lasting columns
Meetings: ACS in San Francisco.
Peer Reviewed: Flow Injection Analysis: From Beaker to Microfluidics.
Science: QC lasers changing spectroscopy.
News from the 4th Symposium on the Analysis of Well-Characterized Biotechnology Pharmaceuticals: Accelerator MS for biologics
Probing Solvent Fractionation in ElectrosprayDroplets with Laser-Induced Fluorescence of aSolvatochromic Dye
Voltammetric and Reference Microelectrodes withIntegrated Microchannels for Flow throughMicrovoltammetry. 2. Coupling the Microcell to aSupported Liquid Membrane PreconcentrationTechnique
Higher Throughput Bioanalysis by Automation of aProtein Precipitation Assay Using a 96-Well Formatwith Detection by LC−MS/MS
Calibration of Membrane Extraction for AirAnalysis
Pittcon Faces New Challenges.
Peer Reviewed: SFC of Drug Enantiomers.
Sensing of Acetylcholine by aTricomponent-Enzyme Layered Electrode UsingFaradaic Impedance Spectroscopy, CyclicVoltammetry, and Microgravimetric Quartz CrystalMicrobalance Transduction Methods
Identification of Metal Cations, Metal Complexes,and Anions by Electrospray Mass Spectrometry inthe Negative Ion Mode
Books and Software: Diving into bioassessment techniques.
Books and Software: Books and Software
Peer Reviewed: Voltammetry—Spanning the Kinetic Timescale.
Analytical Currents: Microfluidics without channels
Analytical Currents: Red light, green light
Challenges for the analytical chemistry curriculum.
Product Review: Fluorometers dissected.
Science: Instant film: Microdevices in 2 h.
Flame Hydrolysis Deposition of Glass on Silicon forthe Integration of Optical and Microfluidic Devices
Membrane Extraction with a Sorbent Interface forHeadspace Monitoring of Aqueous Samples Usinga Cap Sampling Device
Salicylate-Selective Electrodes Based on Al(III)and Sn(IV) Salophens
A Statistical Basis for Testing the Significance ofMass Spectrometric Protein Identification Results
Stationary-Phase Contribution of 1-PropanolOrganic Modifier to Changes in Sorption of1-Hexanol on an ODS-Bonded Phase
Development of a Creatinine ELISA and anAmperometric Antibody-Based Creatinine Sensorwith a Detection Limit in the Nanomolar Range
Quantitative Separation of Aliphatic and AromaticHydrocarbons Using Silver Ion−Silica Solid-PhaseExtraction
Multilayered Assembly of Dendrimers withEnzymes on Gold: Thickness-ControlledBiosensing Interface
Analytical Currents: Pushing the limits in SPR
New Products: New Products
Science: Atmospheric pressure MALDI.
Voltammetric and Reference Microelectrodes withIntegrated Microchannels for Flow throughMicrovoltammetry. 1. The Microcell
Subnanoliter Volume Wall-Jet Cells Combined withInterdigitated Microarray Electrode and EnzymeModified Planar Microelectrode
Selective Fluorescence Quenching of PolycyclicAromatic Hydrocarbons by Aliphatic Amines
Using N-Aminoperylene-3,4:9,10-tetracarboxylbisimide as a Fluorogenic Reactand in the OpticalSensing of Aqueous Propionaldehyde
Analytical Currents: Fluorescence lights up dynamic dendrites
Approaching a Million-Fold Sensitivity Increase inCapillary Electrophoresis with Direct UltravioletDetection: Cation-Selective Exhaustive Injectionand Sweeping
Charge Capacity Limitations of Radio FrequencyIon Guides in Their Use for Improved IonAccumulation and Trapping in Mass Spectrometry
AC WebWorks: MS/MS: Multimedia shopping for a mass spec.
DNA Sequencing up to 1300 Bases in Two Hoursby Capillary Electrophoresis with MixedReplaceable Linear Polyacrylamide Solutions
A Microdevice with Integrated Liquid Junction forFacile Peptide and Protein Analysis by CapillaryElectrophoresis/Electrospray Mass Spectrometry
Electroosmotic Flow Control of Fluids on aCapillary Electrophoresis Microdevice Using anApplied External Voltage
Electroosmotic Capillary Flow with NonuniformZeta Potential
A Method for the Chemical Generation ofN-Terminal Peptide Sequence Tags for RapidProtein Identification
Molecular Orientation and Angular DistributionProbed by Angle-Resolved Absorbance and SecondHarmonic Generation
Analytical Currents: General theory for ISEs
In AC Research: In AC Research
Government and Society: National Nanotechnology Initiative
Meetings: Conferences
Optical Sensors for the Determination ofConcentrated Hydroxide
Analytical Currents: Playing catch with miniature ion traps
Government and Society: New blood to take analytical chairs
News from the 4th Symposium on the Analysis of Well-Characterized Biotechnology Pharmaceuticals: MALDI for QC
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