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| - Room-Temperature Isopiestic Distillation of in SituGenerated Arsenious Chloride and Its Applicationfor the Determination of Trace Level Impurities inArsenious Oxide
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| - The room-temperature vapor pressures of HCl and AsCl3in the presence of hydrochloric acid have been utilizedin situ for the removal of arsenious oxide matrix as AsCl3by isopiestic distillation. Reagent purification, sampledissolution, and matrix separation have been carried outin one step with a clean environment for both analyte andanalyst. Quantitative recoveries have been achieved formost of the elements including volatile elements. Blanklevels were found to be in nanograms per gram of As2O3despite use of common reagents and simple reactionvessel. The utility of the present method for the analysisof As2O3 samples has been demonstrated.
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