| - Temperature gradient interaction chromatography (TGIC)was applied for the separation of stereoregular poly(ethylmethacrylate) (PEMA) according to the tacticity. The threePEMA samples with differing tacticity (rr triad content: 0, 53, and 91%) prepared by anionic polymerization wereused. C18 bonded silica and a mixture of CH2Cl2 andCH3CN (30/70, v/v) were used as stationary and mobilephase, respectively. TGIC was able to separate the PEMAsamples, showing the increasing retention in the order ofdecreasing rr triad contents; however TGIC elution peaksof the three PEMAs were not fully resolved but, rather,were partially overlapped. To isolate the tacticity effectfrom the molecular weight effect on the TGIC retention,the PEMA samples were fractionated by TGIC, and theaccurate molecular weight of the fractions was determinedby MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. The fractions showeda much narrower molecular weight distribution than themother PEMAs. The TGIC fractions of similar molecularweight but with different tacticity were fully resolved byTGIC, but mother PEMAs were not. These results indicatethat the retention in TGIC is affected by both tacticity andmolecular weight.