| - The further development of new processes utilizing liquidor supercritical CO2 as a solvent will benefit from therational design of new CO2-philes. Understanding solvation structures and mechanisms of these molecules is animportant part of this process. In such studies, determining the change in density as a function of the measuredthermodynamic conditions (pressure and temperature)provides an excellent means of directly monitoring thesolution conditions in the detection volume for a giventechnique. By integrating spectroscopic peaks, changesin area can be used to determine changes in analyteconcentration in the detection volume, and thus, it shouldbe possible to monitor the system density in situ. In thepresent study, we examine the utility of Raman and NMRspectroscopy as a means of following changes in solutiondensity conditions and validate this approach in purefluids and gases (N2 and CO2) and supercritical fluidmixtures (acetaldehyde vapor in N2). In addition, wepresent the design of a simple, inexpensive cell forconducting Raman and NMR measurements under moderate pressure conditions.