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| - Polymerase Chain Reaction Amplification of DNAfrom Aged Blood Stains: Quantitative Evaluationof the “Suitability for Purpose” of Four FilterPapers as Archival Media
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| - In collaboration with the Armed Forces Institute ofPathology's Department of Defense DNA Registry, theNational Institute of Standards and Technology recentlyevaluated the performance of a short tandem repeatmultiplex with dried whole blood stains on four differentcommercially available identification card matrixes. DNAfrom 70 stains that had been stored for 19 months atambient temperature was extracted or directly amplifiedand then processed using routine methods. All fourstorage media provided fully typeable (qualitatively identical) samples. After standardization, the average among-locus fluorescence intensity (electropherographic peakheight or area) provided a suitable metric for quantitativeanalysis of the relative amounts of amplifiable DNA in anarchived sample. The amounts of DNA in Chelex extractsfrom stains on two untreated high-purity cotton linter pulppapers and a paper treated with a DNA-binding coatingwere essentially identical. Average intensities for theaqueous extracts from a paper treated with a DNA-releasing coating were somewhat lower but also somewhatless variable than for the Chelex extracts. Average intensities of directly amplified punches of the DNA-bindingpaper were much larger but somewhat more variable thanthe Chelex extracts. Approximately 25% of the observedvariation among the intensity measurements is sharedamong the four media and thus can be attributed tointrinsic variation in white blood count among the donors.All of the evaluated media adequately “bank” forensicallyuseful DNA in well-dried whole blood stains for at least19 months at ambient temperature.
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