| - This paper presents a new solid-phase extraction andelution platform based on surface-functionalized diamondnanocrystallites. Compared with conventional methods,the platform facilitates purification and concentration ofintact proteins and their enzymatic digests for ensuingsodium dodecyl sulfate−polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis or matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization massspectrometry analysis without prior removal of the adsorbent. One-pot work flow involving reduction of disulfidebonds, protection of free cysteine residues, washing offresidual chemicals, and proteolytic digestion of adsorbedproteins can be performed directly on the particles. Theutility and versatility of this protein workup platform weredemonstrated with liquid chromatography−electrosprayionization tandem mass spectrometry in proteome analysis of human urine. The proteome analysis of each urinesample can be completed in 8 h.