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| - Method To Reduce Chemical BackgroundInterference in Atmospheric Pressure IonizationLiquid Chromatography−Mass Spectrometry UsingExclusive Reactions with the Chemical ReagentDimethyl Disulfide
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| - The interference of chemical background ions (chemicalnoise) has been a problem since the inception of massspectrometry. We present here a novel method to reducethe chemical noise in LC−MS based on exclusive gas-phase reactions with a reactive collision gas in a triple-quadrupole mass spectrometer. Combined with the zeroneutral loss (ZNL) scan of a triple-quadrupole massspectrometer, the reactive chemical noise ions can beremoved because of shifts of mass-to-charge ratios fromthe original background ions. The test on various classesof compounds with different functional groups indicatesa generic application of this technique in LC−MS. Thepreliminary results show that a reduction of the level ofLC−MS base-peak chromatographic baseline by a factorup to 40 and an improvement of the signal-to-noise ratioby a factor up to 5−10 are achieved on both commercialand custom-modified triple-quadrupole LC−MS systems.Application is foreseen in both quantitative and qualitativetrace analysis. It is expected that this chemical noisereduction technique can be optimized on a dedicatedmass spectrometric instrumentation which incorporatesboth a chemical reaction cell for noise reduction and acollision stage for fragmentation.
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