| - Direct profiling of total lipid extracts on a hybrid LTQOrbitrap mass spectrometer by high-resolution surveyspectra clusters species of 11 major lipid classes into 7groups, which are distinguished by their sum compositions and could be identified by accurately determinedmasses. Rapid acquisition of survey spectra was employedas a “top-down” screening tool that, together with thecomputational method of principal component analysis,revealed pronounced perturbations in the abundance oflipid precursors within the entire series of experiments.Altered lipid precursors were subsequently identifiedeither by accurately determined masses or by in-depthMS/MS characterization that was performed on the sameinstrument. Hence, the sensitivity, throughput and robustness of lipidomics screens were improved withoutcompromising the accuracy and specificity of molecularspecies identification. The top-down lipidomics strategylends itself for high-throughput screens complementingongoing functional genomics efforts.