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Nearest-Neighbor Thermodynamics and NMR of DNA Sequences with InternalA·A, C·C, G·G, and T·T Mismatches
New Light on Allostery: Dynamic Resonance Raman Spectroscopy of HemoglobinKempsey
Protein−RNA Sequence Covariation in a Ribosomal Protein−rRNA Complex
Effects of Two Familial Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy-Causing Mutations on α-Tropomyosin Structure and Function
Calponin Binds to the 20-Kilodalton Regulatory Light Chain of Myosin
Lysine-313 of 5-Aminolevulinate Synthase Acts as a General Base duringFormation of the Quinonoid Reaction Intermediates
Phospholipase D1 in Caveolae: Regulation by Protein Kinase Cα and Caveolin-1
A Thermodynamic Comparison of Mesophilic and Thermophilic Ribonucleases H
Binding of Etoposide to Topoisomerase II in the Absence of DNA: DecreasedAffinity as a Mechanism of Drug Resistance
Activating Anions That Replace Cl- in the O2-Evolving Complex of Photosystem IISlow the Kinetics of the Terminal Step in Water Oxidation and Destabilize the S2and S3 States
Metabolic Fate of Oxidized Guanine Ribonucleotides in Mammalian Cells
3-Bromotyrosine and 3,5-Dibromotyrosine Are Major Products of Protein Oxidationby Eosinophil Peroxidase: Potential Markers for Eosinophil-Dependent TissueInjury in Vivo
Rhodopsin's Carboxyl-Terminal Threonines Are Required for Wild-TypeArrestin-Mediated Quench of Transducin Activation in Vitro
Crystal Structures of Escherichia coli Glycerol Kinase Variant S58→W in Complexwith Nonhydrolyzable ATP Analogues Reveal a Putative Active Conformation ofthe Enzyme as a Result of Domain Motion,
The Effect of Membrane Composition on the Hemostatic Balance
Cooperative Fluctuations and Subunit Communication in Tryptophan Synthase
Flexibility of Interdomain Contacts Revealed by Topological Isomers of BivalentConsolidated Ligands to the Dual Src Homology Domain SH(32) of Abelson,
Anomalous Cross-Linking by Mechlorethamine of DNA Duplexes Containing C−CMismatch Pairs
Recognition Sequence Design for Peptidyl Modulators of β-Amyloid Aggregationand Toxicity
Major and Minor Groove Contacts in Retroviral Integrase−LTR Interactions
Examination of the Nickel Site Structure and Reaction Mechanism in Streptomycesseoulensis Superoxide Dismutase
Substitutions at Histidine 74 and Aspartate 278 Alter Ligand Binding and Allosteryin Lactose Repressor Protein
Potent and Highly Selective Inhibitors of the Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase 1B
Pressure Effect on the Temperature-Induced Unfolding and Tendency To Aggregateof Myoglobin
pH-Dependent Spectroscopic Changes Associated with the Hydroquinone of FMNin Flavodoxins
Ionic and Structural Specificity Effects of Natural and Synthetic Polyamines on theAggregation and Resolubilization of Single-, Double-, and Triple-Stranded DNA
The Sequence of the Myosin 50−20K Loop Affects Myosin's Affinity for Actinthroughout the Actin−Myosin ATPase Cycle and Its Maximum ATPase Activity
Schizosaccharomyces pombe Aps1, a Diadenosine 5‘,5‘ ‘‘-P1,P6-HexaphosphateHydrolase That Is a Member of the Nudix (MutT) Family of Hydrolases: Cloningof the Gene and Characterization of the Purified Enzyme,
Formation and Isolation of a Covalent Intermediate during the GlutaminaseReaction of a Class II Amidotransferase
Phosphorylation that Detaches Tau Protein from Microtubules (Ser262, Ser214)Also Protects It against Aggregation into Alzheimer Paired Helical Filaments
Role of the Extracellular Loops of G Protein-Coupled Receptors in LigandRecognition: A Molecular Modeling Study of the Human P2Y1 Receptor
Characterization of (+) Strand Initiation and Termination Sequences Located at theCenter of the Equine Infectious Anemia Virus Genome
A Conformational Change in Cytochrome c of Apoptotic and Necrotic Cells IsDetected by Monoclonal Antibody Binding and Mimicked by Association of theNative Antigen with Synthetic Phospholipid Vesicles
ENDOR Spectroscopic Evidence for the Position and Structure ofNG-Hydroxy-l-arginine Bound to Holo-Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase
Mutation of a Strictly Conserved, Active-Site Residue Alters Substrate Specificityand Cofactor Biogenesis in a Copper Amine Oxidase
The Heme Component of the Neutrophil NADPH Oxidase Complex Is a Target forAryliodonium Compounds
Alternative Routes for Entry of HgX2 into the Active Site of Mercuric IonReductase Depend on the Nature of the X Ligands
Synergistic Activation of Protein Kinase Cα, -βI, and -γ Isoforms Induced byDiacylglycerol and Phorbol Ester: Roles of Membrane Association and ActivatingConformational Changes
Molybdate Inhibits Hsp90, Induces Structural Changes in Its C-Terminal Domain,and Alters Its Interactions with Substrates
Biochemical and Biophysical Characterization of the Trimerization Domain fromthe Heat Shock Transcription Factor
Stereochemical Retention of the Configuration in the Action of Fhit onPhosphorus-Chiral Substrates
Kinetic Analysis of the Effect on Fab Binding of Identical Substitutions in aPeptide and Its Parent Protein
Characterization of Amino Acid Substitutions That Severely Alter the DNA RepairFunctions of Escherichia coli Endonuclease IV
Deuteration Effects on the in Vivo EPR Spectrum of the Reduced SecondaryPhotosystem I Electron Acceptor A1 in Cyanobacteria
Replacement of the Proximal Histidine Iron Ligand by a Cysteine or TyrosineConverts Heme Oxygenase to an Oxidase
The Concentration-Dependent Membrane Activity ofCecropin A
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