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The Affinity of Magnesium Binding Sites in the Bacillus subtilis RNaseP·Pre-tRNA Complex Is Enhanced by the Protein Subunit
Characterization of Chimeric ADPglucose Pyrophosphorylases of Escherichia coliand Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Importance of the C-Terminus on the Selectivityfor Allosteric Regulators
Role of C-Terminal Sequences in the Folding of Muscle Creatine Kinase
Structural Requirements for the Intracellular Subunit Polymerization of theComplement Inhibitor C4b-Binding Protein
Evidence for a Novel, Strongly Bound Acto−S1 Complex Carrying ADP andPhosphate Stabilized in the G680V Mutant of Dictyostelium Myosin II
Crystal Structure of d-Hydantoinase from Bacillus stearothermophilus: Insight intothe Stereochemistry of Enantioselectivity,
ADP-Ribosylation and Functional Effects of Pseudomonas Exoenzyme S onCellular RalA
Combinatorial Selection and Binding of Phosphorothioate Aptamers TargetingHuman NF-κB RelA(p65) and p50
Activation-Induced Subcellular Redistribution of Gαs Is Dependent upon Its UniqueN-Terminus
Mutational Analysis of the Role of Tryptophan Residues in an AntimicrobialPeptide
Differential Lipid Binding of Truncation Mutants of GalleriamellonellaApolipophorin III
Structural Origins of the Functional Divergence of Human Insulin-Like GrowthFactor-I and Insulin,
Kinetic Characterization of the Peptidase Activity of Escherichia coli Lon Revealsthe Mechanistic Similarities in ATP-Dependent Hydrolysis of Peptide and ProteinSubstrates
Mechanism of the Rate-Determining Step of the Na+,K+-ATPase Pump Cycle
Exploitation of the Selectivity-Conferring Code of Nonribosomal PeptideSynthetases for the Rational Design of Novel Peptide Antibiotics
Intercalation of an Acridine−Peptide Drug in an AA/TT Base Step in the CrystalStructure of [d(CGCGAATTCGCG)]2 with Six Duplexes and Seven Mg2+ Ions inthe Asymmetric Unit
Catalytic Mechanism of the Topa Quinone Containing Copper Amine Oxidases
Solution Structural Studies of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae TATABinding Protein (TBP)
Allosteric Activation of cGMP-Specific, cGMP-Binding Phosphodiesterase (PDE5)by cGMP
Analysis of Protein−Carbohydrate Interaction at the Lower Size Limit of theProtein Part (15-Mer Peptide) by NMR Spectroscopy, Electrospray Ionization MassSpectrometry, and Molecular Modeling
Mechanism of the Escherichia coli ADP-Ribose Pyrophosphatase, a NudixHydrolase,
Decay Products of the S3 State of the Oxygen-Evolving Complex of Photosystem IIat Cryogenic Temperatures. Pathways to the Formation of the S = 7/2 S2 StateConfiguration
Intermediates of the S3 State of the Oxygen-Evolving Complex of Photosystem II
Interactions among Membrane and Soluble Components of the Flagellar ExportApparatus of Salmonella
Formation of Benzo[a]pyrene Diol Epoxide−DNA Adducts at Specific Guanineswithin K-ras and p53 Gene Sequences: Stable Isotope-Labeling Mass SpectrometryApproach
Lipid−Protein Interactions in Lipovitellin,
Benzoate 1,2-Dioxygenase from Pseudomonas putida: Single Turnover Kineticsand Regulation of a Two-Component Rieske Dioxygenase
Secondary and Quaternary Structures of the (+)-Pinoresinol-Forming DirigentProtein
The Τumor Necrosis Factor-α Converting Enzyme (TACE): A UniqueMetalloproteinase with Highly Defined Substrate Selectivity
Evolution of the Allosteric Ligand Sites of Mammalian Phosphofructo-1-kinase
Role of Zymogenicity-Determining Residues of Coagulation Factor VII/VIIa inCofactor Interaction and Macromolecular Substrate Recognition
NMR Structure of Lung Surfactant Peptide SP-B11-25
Nuclear Import Pathway of the Telomere Elongation Supressor TRF1: Inhibition byImportin α
Solution Structure and Dynamics of the Human−Escherichia coli ThioredoxinChimera: Insights into Thermodynamic Stability,
Allosterism and Cooperativity in Pseudomonas aeruginosa GDP-MannoseDehydrogenase
Isoform-Selective Interaction of Cyclooxygenase-2 with Indomethacin AmidesStudied by Real-Time Fluorescence, Inhibition Kinetics, and Site-DirectedMutagenesis
Structural Insights into the β-Mannosidase from T. reesei Obtained by SynchrotronSmall-Angle X-ray Solution Scattering Enhanced by X-ray Crystallography
Differential Effect of Copper (II) on the Cytochrome P450 Enzymes andNADPH−Cytochrome P450 Reductase: Inhibition of Cytochrome P450-CatalyzedReactions by Copper (II) Ion
Generation and Characterization of Two Transgenic Mouse Lines ExpressingHuman ApoE2 in Neurons and Glial Cells
A Link between Cdc42 and Syntaxin Is Involved in Mastoparan-Stimulated InsulinRelease
Peptides Derived from BH3 Domains of Bcl-2 Family Members: A ComparativeAnalysis of Inhibition of Bcl-2, Bcl-xL and Bax Oligomerization, Induction ofCytochrome c Release, and Activation of Cell Death
First Non-α-Amino Acid Guanidines Acting as Efficient NO Precursors uponOxidation by NO-Synthase II or Activated Mouse Macrophages
Transmembrane Interactions in the Activation of the Neu Receptor Tyrosine Kinase
Regioselective Peroxo-Dependent Heme Alkylation in P450BM3-F87G by AromaticAldehydes: Effects of Alkylation on Catalysis
Correlation of Binding-Loop Internal Dynamics with Stability and Function inPotato I Inhibitor Family: Relative Contributions of Arg50 and Arg52 in Cucurbitamaxima Trypsin Inhibitor-V As Studied by Site-Directed Mutagenesis and NMRSpectroscopy
Differential Effect of a His Tag at the N- and C-Termini: Functional Studies withRecombinant Human Serum Transferrin
The Active Site Loop of S-Adenosylmethionine Synthetase Modulates CatalyticEfficiency
Evidence for a Copper-Binding Superfamily of the Amyloid Precursor Protein
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