| - Recent interest in nucleotides and related agents as part of clinical trials in cystic fibrosis(CF) therapy have elicited efforts to identify novel compounds capable of activating transepithelial chloride(Cl-) transport in CF cells and tissues. From a library of nucleosides, bases, and other substituted heterocycles, 341 compounds were screened for their ability to activate anion transport in CF cells grown onpermeable supports. One compound, SRI 2931, was found to confer prolonged and potent activity whenadministered to the apical surfaces of CF pancreatic epithelial cells, primary CF nasal epithelial cells,non-CF human colonic epithelial cells, and intact tissue taken from mouse models for CF. Concentrationsof SRI 2931 (20 μM), which activated Cl- transport, had minimal effect on cell proliferation. SRI 2931was not calcium (Ca2+) or cAMP dependent, suggesting important differences from conventional chloridesecretagogues. The compound selectively released ATP from the apical, but not basolateral, surfaces ofCF cells grown on permeable supports. The magnitude, longevity, and mechanism of action of the responseprovide a tool for dissecting pathways of epithelial ATP extracellular signaling and Cl- permeability.