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Is the Critical Role of Loop 3 of Escherichia coli6-Hydroxymethyl-7,8-dihydropterin Pyrophosphokinase in Catalysis Due to Loop-3Residues Arginine-84 and Tryptophan-89? Site-Directed Mutagenesis, Biochemical,and Crystallographic Studies,
A Mass Spectrometric Determination of the Conformation of DimericApolipoprotein A-I in Discoidal High Density Lipoproteins
A Zinc(II)/Lead(II)/Cadmium(II)-Inducible Operon from the CyanobacteriumAnabaena Is Regulated by AztR, an α3N ArsR/SmtB Metalloregulator
Structure−Function Relationships of the Intact aIF2α Subunit from the ArchaeonPyrococcus abyssi,
Identification of the Molecular Mechanisms by Which the Diterpenoid Salvinorin ABinds to κ-Opioid Receptors
Site-Directed Mutagenesis and Use of Bile Acid−MTS Conjugates to Probe theRole of Cysteines in the Human Apical Sodium-Dependent Bile Acid Transporter(SLC10A2)
Kinetic Control of Thiamin Diphosphate Activation in Enzymes Studied byProton−Nitrogen Correlated NMR Spectroscopy
Pulsed Hydrogen Exchange and Electrospray Charge-State Distribution asComplementary Probes of Protein Structure in Kinetic Experiments: Implicationsfor Ubiquitin Folding
Cysteine Residues in the Human Cannabinoid Receptor: Only C257 and C264 AreRequired for a Functional Receptor, and Steric Bulk at C386 Impairs AntagonistSR141716A Binding
Influence of the 33 kDa Manganese-Stabilizing Protein on the Structure andSubstrate Accessibility of the Oxygen-Evolving Complex of Photosystem II
Identification of Tyrosine Residues on ELMO1 That Are Phosphorylated by theSrc-Family Kinase Hck
Green Fluorescent Protein Variants as Ratiometric Dual Emission pH Sensors. 3.Temperature Dependence of Proton Transfer
Structure and Dynamics of the Second and Third Transmembrane Domains ofHuman Glycine Receptor,
Inhibitors of Metallo-β-lactamase Generated from β-Lactam Antibiotics
Communication between the Two Active Sites of Glutathione S-Transferase A1-1,Probed Using Wild-Type−Mutant Heterodimers
Structure of the O-Acetylserine Sulfhydrylase Isoenzyme CysM fromEscherichia coli,
Lantibiotic Structures as Guidelines for the Design of Peptides That Can BeModified by Lantibiotic Enzymes
Proposed Structural Mechanism of Escherichia coli cAMP Receptor ProteincAMP-Dependent Proteolytic Cleavage Protection and Selective and NonselectiveDNA Binding,
Density Functional Theory Calculations on the Dielectric Constant Dependence ofthe Oxidation Potential of Chlorophyll: Implication for the High Potential of P680in Photosystem II
Thermodynamic and in Vitro Replication Studies of an Intrastrand G[8-5]CCross-Link Lesion
Role of Buried Polar Residues in Helix Bundle Stability and Lipid Binding ofApolipophorin III: Destabilization by Threonine 31
Mechanistic Basis of Enzyme-Targeted Drugs
Magnesium, ADP, and Actin Binding Linkage of Myosin V: Evidence for MultipleMyosin V−ADP and Actomyosin V−ADP States
HAD Superfamily Phosphotransferase Substrate Diversification: Structure andFunction Analysis of HAD Subclass IIB Sugar Phosphatase BT4131,
Copper Reduction by the Octapeptide Repeat Region of Prion Protein: pHDependence and Implications in Cellular Copper Uptake
Identification of the Heparin-Binding Region of Snake Venom Vascular EndothelialGrowth Factor (VEGF-F) and Its Blocking of VEGF-A165
Interaction of the Adenovirus Proteinase with Protein Cofactors with High NegativeCharge Densities
Accessibility of the Distal Heme Face, Rather than Fe−His Bond Strength,Determines the Heme-Nitrosyl Coordination Number of Cytochromes c‘: Evidencefrom Spectroscopic Studies
Ligand−Protein Interaction in Biomembrane Carriers. The Induced Transition Fit ofTransport Catalysis
Evidence from Biosynthetically Incorporated Strontium and FTIR DifferenceSpectroscopy that the C-Terminus of the D1 Polypeptide of Photosystem II DoesNot Ligate Calcium
Phosphorylation of Grb10 by Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase: Identification ofSer150 and Ser476 of Human Grb10ζ as Major Phosphorylation Sites
Main Chain and Side Chain Dynamics of the Ubiquitin Conjugating EnzymeVariant Human Mms2 in the Free and Ubiquitin-Bound States
Solution Structure of the Ca2+-Binding EGF3−4 Pair from Vitamin K-DependentProtein S: Identification of an Unusual Fold in EGF3,
Structural Basis for the Retroreduction of Inactivated Peroxiredoxins by HumanSulfiredoxin,
Factor VIII A3 Domain Residues 1954−1961 Represent an A1 Domain-InteractiveSite
Design of Peptidyl Compounds That Affect β-Amyloid Aggregation: Importance ofSurface Tension and Context
Identification of a Cd2+- and Zn2+-Binding Site in Cytochrome c Using FTIRCoupled to an ATR Microdialysis Setup and NMR Spectroscopy
Solution Structure of Kti11p from Saccharomyces cerevisiae Reveals a NovelZinc-Binding Module,
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