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TMAO Promotes Fibrillization and Microtubule Assembly Activity in theC-Terminal Repeat Region of Tau
Structure of Purine−Purine Mispairs during Misincorporation and Extension byEscherichia coli DNA Polymerase I
Roles of the Species-Specific Subdomain and the N-Terminal Peptide ofToxoplasma gondii Ferredoxin-NADP+ Reductase in Ferredoxin Binding
The Membrane-Active Regions of the Hepatitis C Virus E1 and E2 EnvelopeGlycoproteins
Spider Egg Case Core Fibers: Trimeric Complexes Assembled from TuSp1, ECP-1,and ECP-2
The Crystal Structure of the R52Q Mutant Demonstrates a Role for R52 inChromophore pKa Regulation in Photoactive Yellow Protein,
Flexibility and Plasticity of Human Centrin 2 Binding to the XerodermaPigmentosum Group C Protein (XPC) from Nuclear Excision Repair,
Ca2+ Dependency of Calpain 3 (p94) Activation
Sequence-Enabled Reassembly of β-Lactamase (SEER-LAC): A Sensitive Methodfor the Detection of Double-Stranded DNA
Reconstitution of Blue−Green Reversible Photoconversion of a CyanobacterialPhotoreceptor, PixJ1, in Phycocyanobilin-Producing Escherichia coli
Inhibition of Skeletal Muscle S1-Myosin ATPase by Peroxynitrite
Affinity Labeling of the Rabbit 12/15-Lipoxygenase Using Azido Derivatives ofArachidonic Acid
The Binding of the PDZ Tandem of Syntenin to Target Proteins,
Structural Basis for Sequential Cleavage of Fibrinopeptides upon Fibrin Assembly,
Modulation of Cell-Cycle Regulatory Signaling Network by 2-Methoxyestradiol inProstate Cancer Cells Is Mediated through Multiple Signal Transduction Pathways
Identification of Asp174 and Asp175 as the Key Catalytic Residues of HumanO-GlcNAcase by Functional Analysis of Site-Directed Mutants
Novel Tetrapeptide Inhibitors of Bacterial Protein Synthesis Produced by aStreptomyces sp.
Crystal Structures of Cytochrome cL and Methanol Dehydrogenase fromHyphomicrobium denitrificans: Structural and Mechanistic Insights into Interactionsbetween the Two Proteins,
Prediction of Folding Rates of Small Proteins: Empirical Relations Based onLength, Secondary Structure Content, Residue Type, and Stability
Biochemical and Pre-Steady-State Kinetic Characterization of the Hepatitis C VirusRNA Polymerase (NS5BΔ21, HC-J4)
ERK Modulates DNA Bending and Enhancesome Structure by PhosphorylatingHMG1-Boxes 1 and 2 of the RNA Polymerase I Transcription Factor UBF
Light Induced Structural Changes of a Full-length Protein and Its BLUF Domain inYcgF(Blrp), a Blue-Light Sensing Protein That Uses FAD (BLUF)
Interaction of the Nucleotide Binding Domains and Regulation of the ATPaseActivity of the Human Retina Specific ABC Transporter, ABCR
Metal Ion Dependence, Thermodynamics, and Kinetics for Intramolecular Dockingof a GAAA Tetraloop and Receptor Connected by a Flexible Linker
Interactions between N- and C-Terminal Domains of the Saccharomyces cerevisiaeHigh-Mobility Group Protein HMO1 Are Required for DNA Bending
The Radiomimetic Enediyne C-1027 Induces Unusual DNA Damage Responses toDouble-Strand Breaks
Structural Basis for the Metal-Selective Activation of the Manganese TransportRegulator of Bacillus subtilis,
Translational Fidelity Mutations in 18S rRNA Affect the Catalytic Activity ofRibosomes and the Oxidative Balance of Yeast Cells
Fluorescence Energy Transfer Studies of Human Deoxycytidine Kinase: Role ofCysteine 185 in the Conformational Changes that Occur upon Substrate Binding
Absence of Substrate Channeling between Active Sites in the Agrobacteriumtumefaciens IspDF and IspE Enzymes of the Methyl Erythritol Phosphate Pathway
Structural and Functional Diversities among μ-Conotoxins Targeting TTX-resistantSodium Channels
Discrimination of Cognate and Noncognate Substrates at the Active Site of Class ILysyl-tRNA Synthetase
Restoring Full Biological Activity to the Isolated Ectodomain of an IntegralMembrane Protein
Examination of the Slow Unfolding of Pro-Nerve Growth Factor Argues against aLoop Threading Mechanism for Nerve Growth Factor
Efficient Metabolic Engineering of GM3 on Tumor Cells byN-Phenylacetyl-d-mannosamine
One Functional Switch Mediates Reversible and Irreversible Inactivation of aHerpesvirus Protease
Escherichia coli Biotin Synthase Produces Selenobiotin. Further Evidence of theInvolvement of the [2Fe-2S]2+ Cluster in the Sulfur Insertion Step
The Cell Penetrating Peptides pVEC and W2-pVEC Induce Transformation of GelPhase Domains in Phospholipid Bilayers without Affecting Their Integrity
Contribution of Structural Peculiarities of Onconase to Its High Stability andFolding Kinetics
Hydration of the Folding Transition State Ensemble of a Protein
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