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Mechanism of the Highly Efficient Quenching of Tryptophan Fluorescencein Human γD-Crystallin
HDV Ribozyme Activity in Monovalent Cations
The Extended Family of Neutral Sphingomyelinases
Ability of Viral Topoisomerase II To Discern the Handedness of Supercoiled DNA: Bimodal Recognition of DNA Geometry by Type II Enzymes
Mechanistic Study of HCV Polymerase Inhibitors at Individual Steps of thePolymerization Reaction
Structure of Coenzyme A−Disulfide Reductase from Staphylococcus aureus at1.54 Å Resolution,
Positively Charged C-Terminal Subdomains of EcoRV Endonuclease: Contributionsto DNA Binding, Bending, and Cleavage
Despite Having a Common P1 Leu, Eglin C Inhibits α-Lytic Proteinase aMillion-fold More Strongly than Does Turkey Ovomucoid Third Domain
Cavitation as a Mechanism of Substrate Discrimination by AdenylosuccinateSynthetases,
Stability of 100 Homo and Heterotypic Coiled−Coil a−a‘ Pairs for Ten AminoAcids (A, L, I, V, N, K, S, T, E, and R)
Transient Kinetic Experiments Demonstrate the Existence of a Unique CatalyticEnzyme Form in the Peptide-Stimulated ATPase Mechanism of Escherichia coliLon Protease
Implications for Viral Capsid Assembly from Crystal Structures of HIV-1 Gag1-278and CAN133-278,
The Binding of DYNLL2 to Myosin Va Requires Alternatively Spliced Exon B andStabilizes a Portion of the Myosin's Coiled-Coil Domain
On the Mechanism of Alleviation by Phenobarbital of the Malfunction of anEpilepsy-Linked GABAA Receptor
Electrostatic Environment of Hemes in Proteins: pKas ofHydroxyl Ligands
Quantitative Analysis of Binding of Single-Stranded DNA by Escherichia coliDnaB Helicase and the DnaB·DnaC Complex
Anion Uptake in Halorhodopsin from Natromonas pharaonis Studied by FTIRSpectroscopy: Consequences for the Anion Transport Mechanism
Effects of Protein-Ligand Associations on the Subunit Interactions ofPhosphofructokinase from B. stearothermophilus
Reaction of Adenosylcobalamin-Dependent Glutamate Mutase with2-Thiolglutarate
The Mechanism of Heme Transfer from the Cytoplasmic Heme Binding ProteinPhuS to the δ-Regioselective Heme Oxygenase of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Endocannabinoid Metabolism in the Absence of Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase(FAAH): Discovery of Phosphorylcholine Derivatives of N-Acyl Ethanolamines
Backbone Dynamics of TEM-1 Determined by NMR: Evidence for a HighlyOrdered Protein
Structure and Function of the Long Pentraxin PTX3 Glycosidic Moiety: Fine-Tuning of the Interaction with C1q and Complement Activation
Bivalent Probes of the Human Multidrug Transporter P-Glycoprotein
Involvement of Insulin-like Growth Factor Type 1 Receptor and Protein Kinase Cδin Bis(maltolato)oxovanadium(IV)-Induced Phosphorylation of Protein Kinase B inHepG2 Cells
Exploring the Role of the Active Site Cysteine in Human Muscle Creatine Kinase
Influence of Differential Stability of G Protein βγ Dimers Containing the γ11Subunit on Functional Activity at the M1 Muscarinic Receptor, A1 AdenosineReceptor, and Phospholipase C-β
Single Chain Fv Antibodies against the 25−35 Aβ Fragment Inhibit Aggregationand Toxicity of Aβ42
Detergent-Mediated Phospholipidation of Plasma Lipoproteins Increases HDLCholesterophilicity and Cholesterol Efflux via SR-BI
Characterization of the Acyl Substrate Binding Pocket of Acetyl-CoA Synthetase
Temperature Dependence of Nucleotide Association and Kinetic Characterization ofMyo1b
Unfolding of Alanine-Based Peptides Using Electron Spin Resonance DistanceMeasurements
X-ray, NMR, and Mutational Studies of the Catalytic Cycle of the GDP-MannoseMannosyl Hydrolase Reaction,
Minimal Determinants for Binding Activated Gα from the Structure of aGαi1−Peptide Dimer,
Conformational Properties of the SDS-Bound State of α-Synuclein Probed byLimited Proteolysis: Unexpected Rigidity of the Acidic C-Terminal Tail
Selective Deletion of the NH2-Terminal Variable Region of Cardiac Troponin T inIschemia Reperfusion by Myofibril-Associated μ-Calpain Cleavage
Aspartic Acid 405 Contributes to the Substrate Specificity of Aminopeptidase B
Activation of the cGMP Signaling Pathway Is Essential in Delaying Oocyte Agingin Diabetes Mellitus,
The Transferable Tail: Fusion of the N-Terminal Acidic Extension ofHeparin Cofactor II to α1-Proteinase Inhibitor M358RSpecifically Increases the Rate of Thrombin Inhibition
Proximal Influences in Two-on-Two Globins: Effect of the Ala69Ser Replacementon Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 Hemoglobin
A Trimerizing GxxxG Motif Is Uniquely Inserted in the Severe Acute RespiratorySyndrome (SARS) Coronavirus Spike Protein Transmembrane Domain
Bias from H2 Cleavage to Production and Coordination Changes at the Ni−FeActive Site in the NAD+-Reducing Hydrogenase from Ralstonia eutropha
Structure and Kinetics of Phosphonopyruvate Hydrolase from Voriovorax sp. Pal2: New Insight into the Divergence of Catalysis within the PEP Mutase/IsocitrateLyase Superfamily,
Identification of the Single Specific IQ Motif of Myosin V from Which CalmodulinDissociates in the Presence of Ca2+
Channeling in Sulfate Activating Complexes
Biosynthesis of Fosfomycin, Re-Examination and Re-Confirmation of a UniqueFe(II)- and NAD(P)H-Dependent Epoxidation Reaction
GSKIP Is Homologous to the Axin GSK3β Interaction Domain and Functions as aNegative Regulator of GSK3β
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