| - Al-, Ti-, and Zr-containing silica-based pillars of which Si4+ is isomorphously substitutedby each ion have been formed between the silicate layers of H-ilerite by intercalation ofoctylamine and mixed alkoxides. The resultant silica-based pillared materials have a BETsurface area of about 800 m2/g at 600 °C and have the gallery heights of 2−3 nm andmicropores of >2 nm in size between the silicate layers. The increase in the amount of metalintroduced into the silica-based pillars was accompanied by a change in the pillarconfiguration, which led to the formation of the microporous products with uniform porediameters of ∼0.90 nm and the irregular gallery height. The 29Si MAS NMR, 27Al MAS NMR,and UV−vis spectra revealed the incorporation of Al, Ti, and Zr atoms as isolated elementalsites into the silicate pillar framework.