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À propos de : A Powder Neutron Diffraction Investigation of the TwoRhombohedral NASICON Analogues: γ-Na3Fe2(PO4)3 andLi3Fe2(PO4)3        

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  • A Powder Neutron Diffraction Investigation of the TwoRhombohedral NASICON Analogues: γ-Na3Fe2(PO4)3 andLi3Fe2(PO4)3
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  • The crystal structures of polycrystalline rhombohedral γ-Na3Fe2(PO4)3 and Li3Fe2(PO4)3obtained through Na ↔ Li ion exchange have been determined for the first time, from neutrondiffraction data recorded at 473 and 300 K, respectively. Na3Fe2(PO4)3 crystallizes in thespace group R3̄c at 473 K (γ-form, a = 8.7270(2) Å, and c = 21.8078(5) Å). A progressivetransfer of Na+ ions from the M(1) (6-coordinate) to the M(2) (8-coordinate) sites occurs uponraising the temperature from ambient (α-form, τM(1) = 1) to 393 K (β-form, τM(1) = 0.91) andthen to 473 K (γ-form, τM(1) = 0.85). This is associated with a significant increase of Fe−Fedistances through the M(1) site and with relaxation of the framework such that the FeO6octahedra become less distorted. Ion exchange from Na3Fe2(PO4)3 leads to the rhombohedralform of Li3Fe2(PO4)3 (space group R3̄; a = 8.3162(4) Å, and c = 22.459(1) Å). The M(1) andM(2) sites of the NASICON structure are empty in Li3Fe2(PO4)3 which is isotypic with Li3In2(PO4)3. Removal of Na+ from M(1) results in a strong increase of the c parameter due tostronger repulsions between adjacent FeO6 octahedral faces along [001]. Lithium is locatedon one single-crystallographic site, M(3), with four Li−O distances ranging between 1.91and 2.09 Å which span a regular tetrahedral geometry and gives rise to one signal in the6Li spectrum at 152 ppm. Two crystallographic sites are clearly distinguished for iron: Fe(1)O6 shares three of its vertexes only with LiO4 tetrahedra and is far more distorted thanFe(2)O6 which shares three edges with LiO4 tetrahedra.
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