| - The structure and composition of fluorocarbon materials deposited in pulsed and continuouswave (CW) hexafluoropropylene oxide (HFPO) plasmas were investigated. Results indicatesubstantial dependence on substrate position relative to the rf coil. When the substrate wasplaced 8 cm downstream from the rf coil (25 W CW), highly amorphous, cross-linked filmswere obtained. In contrast, materials deposited 28 cm downstream from the rf coil containedless cross-linked moieties and a higher degree of order. Angle-resolved X-ray photoelectronspectroscopy (XPS) C1s analysis showed that the 28 cm materials contain up to ∼80% CF2and CF3 surface-enriched layers. Static secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) data revealedthat these fluorocarbon materials are composed of long CF2 chains. Near edge X-rayabsorption fine structure (NEXAFS) analysis showed that the CF2 chains were orientedperpendicular to the substrate surface for the films deposited at 28 cm downstream, whilethe films obtained 8 cm downstream do not exhibit any particular orientation. Thecompositions of materials deposited in pulsed HFPO systems have rf power and distancedependencies similar to those observed in the CW plasmas.