| - We present a method of extracting the field-effect mobility from the transfer characteristicsof organic polymer thin-film transistors (OP-TFTs), in both the linear and saturation regimes,by accounting for the dependence of the mobility on the gate bias, which translates to adependence on the accumulated density of majority charge carriers in the channel. Thismethod is compared to the commonly used extraction methods, which are based on thestandard MOSFET square-law drain current equations that do not account for the variationof mobility with the applied gate bias. We show that by using the standard MOSFETequations, the extracted field-effect mobility can be significantly overestimated. We alsodemonstrate the use of the proposed method to extract the field-effect mobility at differentmeasurement temperatures and present the dependence of the extracted parameters ontemperature.
- We present a method of extracting the field-effect mobility from the transfer characteristics of organic polymer thin-film transistors, in the linear and saturation regimes, by accounting for the dependence of the mobility on the gate bias. This method is compared to commonly used MOSFET parameter extraction methods.