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À propos de : Thermal and Chemical Stability of a Spin-Coated EpoxyAdhesive for the Fabrication of a Polymer OpticalWaveguide        

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  • Thermal and Chemical Stability of a Spin-Coated EpoxyAdhesive for the Fabrication of a Polymer OpticalWaveguide
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  • Spin coating is a common method for depositing very thin polymeric film across a planarsurface in a short period of time. Thinning occurs due to the combined effects of centrifugalspin-off and evaporation. The evaporation of any reactive component during spinning playsan important role on the stability of spin-coated polymeric film. An investigation was carriedout to study the effects of spinning on the thermal and chemical stability of the epoxyadhesive. The thermal stability of both spin-coated and without spin-coated epoxy adhesivewas measured by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) at heating rate of 10 °C/min in an inertenvironment. A lower thermal stability was observed for the spin-coated epoxy adhesive. Atthe center of the substrate it is more stable than the other locations. Thermal stability greatlydeviates at the border side of the spin-coated substrate. Higher chemical stability was alsoobserved at the center than the other locations of the spin-coated layer when immersed inthe metal (nickel) etchant chemical solution. The lower thermal and chemical stability ismainly due to changes in the material properties during the spinning process. From thisstudy it is proposed to use the reactive components that are less volatile, having higherintermolecular forces, and allow a greater part of the thinning behavior to occur withoutsignificant changes in the fluid properties during the spinning process. Lower spin speedalso suggested to reduce the mechanical degradation of the polymeric adhesive for thefabrication of a polymer optical waveguide.
  • The spin-coated adhesive film exhibits a lower thermal and chemical stability compared to adhesive that was not spin coated. This is mainly due to changes in material properties during the spinning process to various degrees at various locations of the spin-coated adhesive layer.
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