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À propos de : Crystal Chemistry and Luminescence of Ce3+-DopedLu2CaMg2(Si,Ge)3O12 and Its Use in LED Based Lighting        

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  • Crystal Chemistry and Luminescence of Ce3+-DopedLu2CaMg2(Si,Ge)3O12 and Its Use in LED Based Lighting
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  • In this paper, we describe the formation and luminescence of a new garnet phosphor for light emittingdiode (LED) based lighting, Lu2CaMg2(Si,Ge)3O12:Ce3+. The regions for garnet phase formation are initiallydescribed with respect to larger rare earth substitution and show reasonable correlation to previous crystalchemistry studies for the garnet parent structure. While the pure silicate phosphor also has apatite secondphases, a significant amount of Ce3+ enters the garnet phase, giving Ce3+ luminescence that is significantlyredder when compared to typical Al3+ garnet phosphors with quantum efficiencies comparable tocommercial Ce3+ garnet phosphors. Potential reasons for the emission red shift and the high quantumefficiency are discussed. Finally, the performance of these new phosphors is tested within LED basedlamps. Lamps using these phosphors can reach color temperatures required for general illumination lightingand also have comparable phosphor conversion efficiencies when compared to lamps using typical garnetphosphors.
  • The crystal chemistry and luminescence of a new set of Ce3+ phosphors based upon silicate garnet hosts are described and discussed. These phosphors have the red emission required for general illumination lighting sources with comparable quantum efficiencies to commercial Ce3+ garnet phosphors.
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