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À propos de : Photochemical Attachment of Reactive Cross-Linked Polymer Filmsto Si/SiO2 Surfaces and Subsequent Polymer Brush Growth        

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  • Photochemical Attachment of Reactive Cross-Linked Polymer Filmsto Si/SiO2 Surfaces and Subsequent Polymer Brush Growth
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  • Thin films consisting of a mixture of acrylate/methacrylate monomers were photochemically attached to modified silicon wafer surfaces. Reactive functionality was embedded into the photopolymer film by adding nitroxide monomers (inimers) that initiate subsequent polymer brush growth.
  • Thin films consisting of a mixture of acrylate/methacrylate monomers were photochemically attachedto modified silicon wafer surfaces. Reactive functionality was embedded into the photopolymer film byadding alkoxyamine monomers (inimers) that facilitate polymer brush growth in subsequent polymerizationreactions. We present a careful examination of each of the steps, from substrate preparation to silanecoupling agent coating, photopolymer attachment, and polymer brush growth. Several 3-methacryloxypropyl silanes were evaluated as silane coupling reagents. The surface roughness of wafers increasedfrom 0.2 to 0.6 nm after treatment with silane. Curing of a thin photopolymer film did not increase thesurface roughness. Interestingly, brushes of d8 polystyrene grown from the photopolymer surface displayedhalf the roughness of the underlying polymer layer, displaying a smoothing effect. All photopolymerfilms attached to the wafers utilizing a silane layer had excellent adhesion. We studied the film surfacesby water contact angle measurements, atomic force microscopy, and IR and X-ray photoelectronspectroscopies.
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