| - Rubrene single crystals have been grown by a vapor-phase process. Two additional compounds thatcontaminate rubrene have been identified and their structures determined. Single crystals of rubrene showexcellent crystallinity and very small rocking curve width. Field effect transistors based on pure rubrenesingle crystals with colloidal graphite electrodes and Parylene as a dielectric demonstrate a maximalmobility of 13 cm2/Vs with strong anisotropy. The mobility increases very slightly with cooling, butdecreases significantly at low temperatures.
- Organic semiconductor rubrene C42H28 may be contaminated by two other hydrocarbons, one richer in hydrgen, C42H30, and the other poorer, C42H26. C42H26 is semiconducting and like rubrene forms field effect transistors but with low carrier mobility. Field effect transistors on rubrene single-crystals surface show hole mobility of 13 cm2/Vs and significant anizotropy.