| - Silver metallized polyimide films have been fabricated with excellent reflectivity and conductivity onboth sides via a direct ion-exchange self-metallization technique utilizing 3,3‘,4,4‘-benzophenonetetracarboxylic acid dianhydride/4,4‘-oxidianiline (BTDA/4,4‘-ODA)-based poly(amic acid) (PAA) films asthe polyimide precursor and aqueous silver nitrate (AgNO3) solution as the silver origin. Silver polyamatewas formed during the ion-exchange process. Heat treatment of the silver(I)-containing precursor filmseffects the cyclization of PAA and the simultaneous reduction of silver(I), giving silvered polyimidefilms. Surface reflectivity and conductivity were developed as a function of cure time and temperatureand they were greatly associated with the variation of surface morphology. Property differences wereexhibited on the upside and underside of the composite films. The final metallized BTDA/4,4‘-ODApolyimide films maintained the essential mechanical and thermal stability of the pristine polyimide films.Films were characterized by FTIR-ATR, ICP, DSC, CA, XPS, XRD, and SEM, as well as reflectivityand conductivity measurements.
- Highly reflective and conductive silver surfaces have been achieved on both the upside and underside of polyimide films by heating poly(amic acid) films direct-ion-exchanged in probably the simplest silver salt, silver nitrate aqueous solution.