| - The use of 1-hexadecyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride (C16MimCl) as room-temperature ionic liquids induced the nanostructured C16MimCl/boehmite hybrid via a thermal process under mild conditions, thereby obtaining a large mesoporous γ-alumina with good textural and physical properties after conversion from boehmite crystallites into γ-phase by calcination.
- A large mesoporous γ-alumina was fabricated through a thermal process without postaddition ofmolecular or organic solvents at ambient pressure in an open container by using the dual functions of1-hexadecyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride (C16MimCl) as room-temperature ionic liquids (RTILs), i.e.,templating and cosolvent functions. In this synthesis, a thermal process with the assistance of RTILs wasthe key technology for induction of the nanostructure of aluminum hydroxide and transformation toboehmite crystallites by means of intermolecular interaction. Both C16MimCl/boehmite hybrid andγ-alumina displayed the nanostructure consisting of randomly debundled nanofibers embedded in wormlikeporous networks. Nanofibers of C16MimCl/boehmite hybrid and γ-alumina exhibited a length of ca. 40−60 nm and a diameter of ca. 1.5−3 nm. In particular, γ-alumina had good thermal stability and reasonableacidic sites. After conversion from boehmite crystallites into γ-phase by calcination, this nanostructuredγ-alumina obtained the largest surface area and pore volume among large mesoporous γ-aluminas around10 nm pore size, i.e., 470 m2 g-1 in surface area, 1.46 cm3 g-1 in pore volume, and 9.9 nm in pore sizeby calcination at 550 °C. Therefore, this synthetic method is a facile way to synthesize variousnanostructured inorganic materials with the enhanced physical properties.