| - This study reports an approach for synthesis of graphitic carbon nanocages (CNCs) via pyrolysis ofethanol with dissolved iron carbonyl at temperatures from 600 to 900 °C. The in situ formed Fe catalystand template enabled the in situ generation of carbon from ethanol and formation of graphitic layers onthe template surface. With the removal of the template, hollow CNCs were obtained to have a fine sizeof 30−50 nm and a large surface area of 400−800 m2/g. The CNCs also became dispersible in waterwithout aggregation and settling after several months through HNO3 treatment. As an example for potentialapplications, the CNCs were demonstrated to be a good material for supporting the Pt catalyst used inlow-temperature fuel cells. Considering its continuous and low-temperature operation, in situ formationof catalyst and template, and in situ graphitization of decomposed carbon, the present approach may besuitable for large-scale production of high surface area and water-dispersible graphitic carbon and wouldbe practically relevant for many technologies.
- Graphitic carbon nanocages with a high surface area (400−800 m2/g) and good dispersion in water are synthesized by pyrolysis of ethanol with dissolved iron carbonyl at 600−900 °C. They are demonstrated to be a good material for supporting the Pt catalyst used in low-temperature fuel cells.