| - c-Oriented AlPO4-5 films were synthesized by seeded growth on silicon substrates. Secondaryhydrothermal treatment of the seeded substrates under conditions that favor c-out-of-plane growth yieldednon-intergrown, highly oriented columnar crystals with a length of 7 μm. Modifying the conditions sothat in-plane growth is favored and executing yet another (“tertiary”) growth, the crystals obtained bysecondary treatment were grown in-plane, along the a-, b-directions, filling the gaps between the columnargrains and yielding well-intergrown, highly oriented, continuous AlPO4-5 films. The oriented films obtainedby the technique presented here can be potentially useful for separations and catalysis as well as electronicand electrochemical applications.
- Appropriately functionalized silicon substrates are seeded by a monolayer of AlPO4-5 particles. Secondary hydrothermal treatment under conditions that favor c-out-of-plane growth yields highly oriented, non-intergrown columnar crystals. Upon tertiary growth under the appropriate conditions, the columnar crystals grow in-plane, producing well-intergrown, highly oriented, continuous AlPO4-5 films.