| - Chlorophenols are frequently found in the urine of the population as consequence of thewidespread use of chlorophenols and other organochlorinated compounds. An immunoassayfor 2,4,5-trichlorophenol (2,4,5-TCP) has been evaluated as a tool to assess risk exposure ofthe population to these substances. The immunoassay is stable in media with pH values rangingfrom 6.6 to 10.5 units and ionic strength values varying within 20 and 80 mS cm-1. Consideringthese parameters, the optimized immunoassay shows a limit of detection of 0.05 μg L-1 andthe dynamic range is placed between 0.09 and 0.72 μg L-1. It shows a good accuracy and thecoefficients of variation within and between assays are around 12% or lower. However, matrixeffects can diminish the efficiency and detectability of the immunochemical methods. In thispaper, the effect of water and complex biological sample matrices, such as serum and urine,on the immunoassay for 2,4,5-TCP has been evaluated. Simple sample treatment procedureshave been developed for the analysis of these matrices. The final analytical protocols allowstraightforward immunochemical determination of 2,4,5-TCP in natural waters, urine, andserum with detection limits of 0.07, 0.26, and 0.8 μg L-1, respectively.