| - Diesel fuels having low cetane numbers may have ignition problems suchas diesel knock,difficult engine starts in cold weather, and need for addition ofcetane number improving agents.As organic peroxides are known to be effective cetane numberimproving additives, hydroperoxidesproduced in the autoxidation of hydrocarbons can be expected to improvecetane number. Inthis study, the cetane numbers of diesel fuels autoxidized in theliquid phase under variousconditions have been examined. As a result, autoxidized dieselfuels have been found to havehigher cetane numbers. Hydroperoxides are also found to beproduced in the autoxidation ofdiesel fuels. It is suggested that hydroperoxides produced fromdiesel fuel autoxidation shouldhave an important role in increasing its cetane number.