| - Light perfluorocarbons, such as carbon tetrafluoride, areproduced or emitted from a variety of processes, includingmanufacture of aluminum and processing of semiconductordevices. At the same time, the long atmospheric lifetimeand high global warming potential of such compounds makesthem an environmental concern. A new process for theabatement of perfluorocarbon emissions using a carbon arcplasma was investigated. In particular, the conversionof CF4 to C2F4 and higher fluorinated species, including poly(tetrafluoroethylene) (PTFE) was demonstrated. Generalfeatures of the reaction chemistry are discussed, includingprimary reactions to form radicals and ions and secondaryreactions to form C2F4 and higher compounds. Theconversion efficiencies and products obtained in thereported experiments indicate potential applicability of theprocess for point source emission control of high globalwarming potential perfluorocarbons.