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À propos de : Czech Air Quality Monitoring andReceptor Modeling Study        

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  • Czech Air Quality Monitoring andReceptor Modeling Study
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  • An ongoing air qualitymonitoring program in the CzechRepublic has provided nearly continuous data for theconcentrations of aerosol and gas-phase pollutants sinceits inception in February 1992. In addition to PM-2.5concentrations, the concentrations of sulfate, organiccarbon,elemental carbon, trace elements (Al−Pb), andpolynucleararomatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were also measured. Fineparticulate matter (PM-2.5) was composed mainly oforganic carbon and sulfate with smaller amounts of tracemetals. Coarse particle mass concentrations weretypically between 10 and 30% of PM-2.5 concentrations.Thechemical composition of emissions from power plants,residential space heating, local factories, and motorvehicleswas also characterized. The ambient monitoring andsource characterization data were then used in receptormodeling calculations, the results of which indicate thatresidential space heating and power plant emissions accounted for most of fine particle mass concentrationsobserved during winter air pollution episodes. Motorvehicles,incinerators, and windblown dust contributed to thebalanceof the fine particle mass. Peak 24-h average TSP andSO2concentrations (1100 and 800 μg/m3, respectively)obtainedat the main monitoring site at Teplice in northern Bohemiaduring a severe air pollution episode in 1993 were withina factor of 2 of smoke and SO2 concentrations (1800and1600 μg/m3) measured in London during the smogepisodeof December 5−9, 1952. That pollution episode wasthought to have contributed to a substantial increase inmortality.
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