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| - High-Rate Biodegradation ofPentachlorophenol by BiofilmDeveloped in the Immobilized SoilBioreactor
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| - A novel type of bioreactor, the immobilized soil biofilmreactor, was used for the biodegradation ofpentachlorophenol(PCP) in aqueous solutions. An extremely highvolumetricPCP degradation rate was obtainedup to 950 mg of PCPL-1 h-1. Thestudy of the biofilm growth kinetics showedthat biofilm mass reached 4 g dry weight/L of reactorvolume,which is much higher than values generally reported inthe literature. The corresponding yield coefficient wasfoundto be 0.054 g of biomass/g of PCP. The biofilmthicknessduring the PCP degradation constant rate period wasbelow 100 μm. A mathematical model based on adiffusion−reaction mechanism in a cylindrical shell biofilm showedthat under these conditions the process is kineticallycontrolled. Substrate utilization kinetic data showedthatthe process can be described by a Monod-type modelwith μm = 0.016 h-1 andKs = 5.74 mg of PCP/L. It wasshownthat essentially all PCP is degraded within the biofilm,with negligible liquid-phase biodegradation. The effectofdifferent physicochemical parameters of the liquid phaseon PCP biodegradation rate was also studied. Theoptimaltemperature range was between 20 and 35 °C, while a60% rate decrease was observed at 15 °C. The processwasinhibited at pH values above 7.7, while the main water-soluble reaction product (chloride ions) affectednegativelythe process only at concentrations higher than 15.8 g/L.These results show that aerobic biodegradation of PCPismuch less affected by variations in the differentphysicochemical factors when carried out in a biofilm ascompared to a free suspended culture. Theseconsiderationsbecome the bases for modeling and designing of immobilized soil bioreactors for PCP degradation in aqueousphase (such as groundwater and process water of soilwashing).
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