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À propos de : Bacteriogenic Ethane inNear-Surface Aquifers: Implicationsfor Leaking Hydrocarbon Well Bores        

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  • Bacteriogenic Ethane inNear-Surface Aquifers: Implicationsfor Leaking Hydrocarbon Well Bores
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  • The δ13C values of methane and ethane from two near-surface aquifers in western Canada are depleted in 13C ascompared to the carbon isotopic compositions of theunderlying economic natural gas reservoirs and are indicativeof in situ bacteriogenesis. The δ13CC2 values ranged from−45.4 to −73.9‰ (PDB), among the most depleted everreported. These data can be used to resolve the longstandinguncertainty concerning the isotopic signature of bacteriogenic ethane and to differentiate between bacteriogenicand thermogenic hydrocarbon gas. For well bore leakagecases in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin, thecharacterization of a bacteriogenic end-member permits thequantitative resolution of the contribution of shallowaquifer gas versus deeper commercial reservoir gas towell bore leakage. Bacteriogenic near-surface aquifer ethanecan account for 4−28% of the ethane from the productioncasing and for 29−36% of the ethane in gas bubblestraveling to the surface along the outside of the surfacecasing. The ability to quantify the contribution to well boreleakage from near-surface aquifer gases versus deepercommercial gas reservoirs using stable carbon isotopesignatures is critical to implementing successful remediationstrategies for soils and groundwaters contaminated dueto aging and abandoned oil and gas wells.
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