| - This paper presents the results of a study of the effectsof increasing payloads on emissions from light heavy-dutypickup trucks. Since vehicles in this category are oftenmore heavily loaded than passenger cars, it is importantto evaluate the potential impact of these additional loads onemissions. For this program, light heavy-duty vehicleswere tested over a combination of three test weights (empty,half-loaded, and fully loaded) and different driving cycles(FTP, ST01, and CD arterial level of service cycle). The testmatrix included five light heavy-duty diesel trucks andtwo light heavy-duty gasoline trucks. The diesel vehiclesshowed a trend of increasing PM, and CO2 emissions overthe cycles used with NOx emissions increasing modestly.The trends for the diesel THC and CO emissions wereless consistent and depended on the specific cycle andvehicle. For gasoline vehicles, CO and CO2 emissions increasedwith increasing payload over most of the vehicle/cyclecombinations tested.