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À propos de : Mass Transfer and Warming duringAdsorption of High Concentrationsof VOCs on an Activated CarbonBed: Experimental and TheoreticalAnalysis        

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  • Mass Transfer and Warming duringAdsorption of High Concentrationsof VOCs on an Activated CarbonBed: Experimental and TheoreticalAnalysis
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  • An experimental and theoretical study was carried out topredict the warming and the mass-transfer rate duringadsorption of high concentrations of volatile organiccompounds (VOCs) in an activated carbon bed. A lineardriving force (LDF) model is found to provide an acceptablefit to the measured data. An empirical correlation of themass transfer rate is proposed as a function of the strengthof adsorbent−adsorbate interactions and the gas velocityto design the adsorption process without using anyadjustable parameter. The model was validated for anadsorption unit with high loadings (up to 100 g.m-3) of sevenkinds of VOC and within the velocity range 0.139−0.556m.s-1. The prediction of the temperature rise inside theadsorber is improved by the use of the differential heat ofadsorption instead of the integral heat. A theoreticalparameter sensitivity test indicates that the temperaturerise is strongly dependent on the molar VOC concentration,the adsorption heat, and the volumetric heat capacity ofthe carrier gas. The warming of the activated carbon bedcan be well predicted from these variables. The relationobtained appears to be a practical means for designing thesafety of an adsorber and preventing carbon bed ignition.
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