| - We examine the possibilities for a “greener” car thatwould use less material and fuel, be less polluting, andwould have a well-managed end-of-life. Light-duty vehiclesare fundamental to our economy and will continue to befor the indefinite future. Any redesign to make these vehiclesgreener requires consumer acceptance. Consumerdesires for large, powerful vehicles have been the majorstumbling block in achieving a “green car”. The other majorbarrier is inherent contradictions among social goalssuch as fuel economy, safety, low emissions of pollutants,and low emissions of greenhouse gases, which has ledto conflicting regulations such as emissions regulationsblocking sales of direct injection diesels in California, whichwould save fuel. In evaluating fuel/vehicle options withthe potential to improve the greenness of cars [diesel (directinjection) and ethanol in internal combustion engines, battery-powered, gasoline hybrid electric, and hydrogen fuelcells], we find no option dominates the others on alldimensions. The principles of green design developed byAnastas and Zimmerman (Environ. Sci. Technol.2003, 37,94A−101A) and the use of a life cycle approach provideinsights on the key sustainability issues associated with thevarious options.