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American Chemical Society
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Reliability of a Commercial Kit ToTest Groundwater for Arsenic inBangladesh
Selective Quantification of TracePalladium in Road Dusts andRoadside Soils by DisplacementSolid-Phase Extraction OnlineCoupled with Electrothermal AtomicAbsorption Spectrometry
Analysis of Column Tortuosity forMnCl2 and Bacterial Diffusion UsingMagnetic Resonance Imaging
Chemical Fingerprinting ofPetroleum Biomarkers Using TimeWarping and PCA
Characterization and PreliminaryAssessment of a Sorbent Producedby Accelerated Mineral Carbonation
New Device and Method forFlux-Proportional Sampling of MobileSolutes in Soil and Groundwater
Potential Use of a Host AssociatedMolecular Marker in Enterococcusfaecium as an Index of HumanFecal Pollution
Bioremediation of DiethylhexylPhthalate Contaminated Soil: AFeasibility Study in Slurry- andSolid-Phase Reactors
Semiempirical Model for OrganicAerosol Growth by Acid-CatalyzedHeterogeneous Reactions of OrganicCarbonyls
Temporal Trends of PFOS and PFOAin Guillemot Eggs from the BalticSea, 1968−2003
Benzene: A Secondary PollutantFormed in the Three-Way Catalyst
2005 EST Advisory board
Effects of Fe(II) and HydrogenPeroxide Interaction upon DissolvingUO2 under Geologic RepositoryConditions
High Plankton Densities ReduceMercury Biomagnification
Adsorption of Ethylene Glycol Vaporon α-Al2O3 (0001) and AmorphousSiO2 Surfaces: Observation ofMolecular Orientation and SurfaceHydroxyl Groups as Sorption Sites
Carbon Isotopic Fractionation duringAnaerobic Biotransformation ofMethyl tert-Butyl Ether andtert-Amyl Methyl Ether
Importance of Black Carbon toSorption of Native PAHs, PCBs, andPCDDs in Boston and New YorkHarbor Sediments
Ontario rejects Great Lakes diversion proposal | Global warming's other effects on the oceans | Schwartz to lead NIEHS | Computers go BOINC! | U.S. and Europe continue collaboration | China drives worldwide market
Bioaccumulation of OrganicChemicals in Contaminated Soils: Evaluation of Bioassays withEarthworms
Comment on “Modeling Maximum AdsorptionCapacities of Soot and Soot-like Materials forPAHs and PCBs”
Metal Speciation in AnoxicSediments: When Sulfides Can BeConstrued as Oxides
Relative Leaching and AquaticToxicity of Pressure-Treated WoodProducts Using Batch LeachingTests
Modeling of Porous FilterPermeability via Image-BasedStochastic Reconstruction of SpatialPorosity Correlations
Real-Time Visualization andQuantification of PAHPhotodegradation on and withinPlant Leaves
Methodology for Predicting OEL fromRodent LD50 Values for Metals andMetallic Compounds
A little string music
Dark Oxidation of Dissolved andLiquid Elemental Mercury in AquaticEnvironments
Comment on “Global Assessment ofPolybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in Farmed andWild Salmon”
Reduction of 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene byIron Metal: Kinetic Controls onProduct Distributions in BatchExperiments
Solvent Release into a SandyAquifer. 2. Estimation of DNAPLMass Based on a Multiple-Component Dissolution Model
Impact of the 2002 Canadian ForestFires on Particulate MatterAir Quality in Baltimore City
Response to Comment on “Modeling MaximumAdsorption Capacities of Soot and Soot-likeMaterials for PAHs and PCBs”
Response to Comment on “Global Assessmentof Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in Farmedand Wild Salmon”
Field Deployment of Thin FilmPassive Air Samplers for PersistentOrganic Pollutants: A Study in theUrban Atmospheric Boundary Layer
Phenanthrene Sorption toSequentially Extracted Soil HumicAcids and Humins
Regional Comparisons of CoastalSediment Contamination Detectedby a Biomarker (P450 HRGS; EPAMethod 4425)
Electrochemical Study of2,3-Dihydroxybenzoic Acid and ItsInteraction with Cu(II) and H2O2 inAqueous Solutions: Implications forWood Decay
No silver bullet to replace methyl bromide
Milwaukee, WI, as a Source ofAtmospheric PCBs to Lake Michigan
Mass Budget of PerfluorooctaneSurfactants in Lake Ontario
Mechanisms of Dioxin Formationfrom the High-TemperatureOxidation of 2-Chlorophenol
Methyl tert-Butyl Ether Occurrenceand Related Factors in Public andPrivate Wells in Southeast NewHampshire
New Field Method: Gas Push−PullTest for the In-Situ Quantification ofMicrobial Activities in the VadoseZone
Zinc Adsorption Effects on ArseniteOxidation Kinetics at theBirnessite−Water Interface
Atmospheric Reactions InfluenceSeasonal PAH and Nitro-PAHConcentrations in the Los AngelesBasin
Physiological Basis for LargeDifferences in Resistance to Nitriteamong Freshwater andFreshwater-Acclimated EuryhalineFishes
Field Calibration of RapidlyEquilibrating Thin-Film Passive AirSamplers and Their PotentialApplication for Low-Volume AirSampling Studies
Long Life Modified Lead DioxideAnode for Organic WastewaterTreatment: ElectrochemicalCharacteristics and DegradationMechanism
Bacterial Inactivation in Open Air bythe Afterglow Plume Emitted from aGrounded Hollow Slot Electrode
Pu and U Atom Ratios andConcentration Factors in Reservoir11 and Asanov Swamp, Mayak PA: An Application of Accelerator MassSpectrometry
Kinetics and Inhibition of ReductiveDechlorination of ChlorinatedEthylenes by Two Different MixedCultures
Monitoring the Response to Changing Mercury Deposition
Generalized First-Order KineticModel for Biosolids Decompositionand Oxidation during HydrothermalTreatment
Occurrence, Profiles, andPhotostabilities of ChlorinatedPolycyclic Aromatic HydrocarbonsAssociated with Particulates inUrban Air
Levels and Distribution ofPolybrominated Diphenyl Ethers inWater, Surface Sediments, andBivalves from the San FranciscoEstuary
Abundances, Depositional Fluxes,and Homologue Patterns ofPolychlorinated Biphenyls in DatedSediment Cores from the Pearl RiverDelta, China
When Aerosol Sulfate Goes Up, SoDoes Oxalate: Implication for theFormation Mechanisms of Oxalate
Speciation of Iron and Sulfate inAcid Waters: Aqueous Clusters toMineral Precipitates
Enrichment of Stable Carbon andHydrogen Isotopes during AnaerobicBiodegradation of MTBE: Microcosm and Field Evidence
X-ray Absorption Near-EdgeStructure Analysis of ArsenicSpecies for Application to BiologicalEnvironmental Samples
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