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Copyright © 2005 American Chemical Society
Copyright © 2005 by the American Chemical Society
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American Chemical Society
by the American Chemical Society
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Catalytic Oxidation of S(IV) inSeawater Slurries of ActivatedCarbon
Air−Surface Exchange of GaseousMercury over A MixedSawgrass−Cattail Stand within theFlorida Everglades
High-Temperature Sorption ofCesium and Strontium on DispersedKaolinite Powders
Enrichment of Excess 210Po inAnoxic Ponds
4-Nitrophenol Biodegradation in aSequencing Batch Reactor Operatingwith Aerobic−Anoxic Cycles
Detailed Study of FactorsControlling AtmosphericConcentrations of PCNs
Spatial Distribution and Speciationof Lead around Corroding Bullets ina Shooting Range Soil Studied byMicro-X-ray Fluorescence andAbsorption Spectroscopy
Determination of MeHg inEnvironmental Sample MatricesUsing Hg−Thiourea Complex IonChromatography with On-line ColdVapor Generation and AtomicFluorescence SpectrometricDetection
Fenton-Mediated Oxidation in thePresence and Absence of Oxygen
Deconvolution and Quantification ofHydrocarbon-like and OxygenatedOrganic Aerosols Based on AerosolMass Spectrometry
Organic and Inorganic AerosolBelow-Cloud Scavenging bySuburban New Jersey Precipitation
Analysis of Copper Binding in theTernary System Cu2+/HumicAcid/Goethite at Neutral to AcidicpH
Evaluation of Density FunctionalTheory Methods for StudyingChemisorption of Arsenite on FerricHydroxides
Organochlorine Contaminants inHuman Adipose Tissues fromChina: Mass Balance Approach forEstimating Historical ChineseExposure To DDTs
Quantitative Structure−ActivityRelationship Models for Predictionof the Toxicity of PolybrominatedDiphenyl Ether Congeners
Limited Temporal Variability ofArsenic Concentrations in 20 WellsMonitored for 3 Years in Araihazar,Bangladesh
Use of Potassium Formate in RoadWinter Deicing Can ReduceGroundwater Deterioration
New Real-Time Technique toMeasure the Size Distribution ofWater-Insoluble Aerosols
Stable Isotope Evidence forBiodegradation of ChlorinatedEthenes at a Fractured Bedrock Site
Kinetic Characterization ofMethanobacterium bryantiiM.o.H.
In Situ Assessment ofBiodegradation Potential UsingBiotraps Amended with 13C-LabeledBenzene or Toluene
Trophodynamic Behavior of4-Nonylphenol and NonylphenolPolyethoxylate in a Marine AquaticFood Web from Bohai Bay, NorthChina: Comparison to DDTs
Relation of Organic ContaminantEquilibrium Sorption and KineticUptake in Plants
Estimation of Fugitive Lead EmissionRates from Secondary LeadFacilities using HierarchicalBayesian Models
PCDD/Fs in Norwegian and U.K.Soils: Implications for Sources andEnvironmental Cycling
EPA's physical-chemical data criticized | Methane reduction aids air quality | USGS could lose some water activities | Bills could stifle university science teaching | Bioaccumulation assessments point to pressing data gaps | Nanotechnology funds | Water investments = GDP gains | Invisible environmental killers | Bioremediating radioactive elements
Products of Ozone-InitiatedChemistry in a Simulated AircraftEnvironment
Phenol Chlorination andPhotochlorination in the Presence ofChloride Ions in HomogeneousAqueous Solution
Life Cycle Approaches to Sustainable Consumption:A Critical Review
Hexabromocyclododecane Challenges Scientists and Regulators
Temperature Effects on theMorphology of Porous Thin FilmComposite NanofiltrationMembranes
Adsorption of Aqueous UranylComplexes onto Bacillus subtilisCells
Optical Oxygen Microrespirometryas a Platform for EnvironmentalToxicology and Animal ModelStudies
Surface-Mediated Formation ofPolybrominated Dibenzo-p-dioxinsand Dibenzofurans from theHigh-Temperature Pyrolysis of2-Bromophenol on a CuO/SilicaSurface
Oxidative Dissolution ofChromium(III) Hydroxide at pH 9, 3,and 2 with Product Inhibition atpH 2
Environmental and Human Impact ofan Old-Timer Incinerator in Terms ofDioxin and PCB Level: A CaseStudy
Nitrogen and Carbon DioxideAdsorption by Soils
Competitive Sorption between17α-Ethinyl Estradiol andNaphthalene/Phenanthrene bySediments
Management of Tropospheric Ozoneby Reducing Methane Emissions
Approaches for EstablishingPredicted-No-Effect Concentrationsfor Population-Level Ecological RiskAssessment in the Context ofChemical Substances Management
Sources of Fine Particles in a RuralMidwestern U.S. Area
Starting over: A second environmental movement
Dissolution Kinetics of SyntheticZeolite NaP1 and Its Implication toZeolite Treatment of ContaminatedWaters
Simple Immunoassay for Detectionof PCBs in Transformer Oil
Wireless Sensors Powered byMicrobial Fuel Cells
Development of U.S. EPA Method527 for the Analysis of SelectedPesticides and Flame Retardants inthe UCMR Survey
Water utilities may be stuck with MTBE cleanup | Riding along the clean-car corridor
Sources of Methylmercury to aWetland-Dominated Lake inNorthern Wisconsin
Characterizing and QuantifyingControls on Arsenic Solubility overa pH Range of 1−11 in a UraniumMill-Scale Experiment
Removal of α-Picoline, β-Picoline,and γ-Picoline from SyntheticWastewater Using Low CostActivated Carbons Derived fromCoconut Shell Fibers
SH Radical: The Key Intermediatein Sulfur Transformation duringThermal Processing of Coal
Inter-zonal Tradable DischargePermit System to Control WaterPollution in Tianjin, China
Bioreduction of Uranium in aContaminated Soil Column
Spatial and Temporal Distribution ofPolycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons inSediments from Michigan InlandLakes
Controlling Formaldehyde Emissionswith Boiler Ash
Response | Triclosan research misreported?
GM crop study produces major database
Biogeographic Provinces of Totaland Methyl Mercury in Zooplanktonand Fish from the Beaufort andChukchi Seas: Results from theSHEBA Drift
Summertime Ambient Formaldehydein Five U.S. Metropolitan Areas: Nashville, Atlanta, Houston,Philadelphia, and Tampa
Decontamination ofUranium-Contaminated SteelSurfaces by Hydroxycarboxylic Acidwith Uranium Recovery
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