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Emission Factors and Real-TimeOptical Properties of ParticlesEmitted from Traditional WoodBurning Cookstoves
Sonochemical Decomposition ofPhenol: Evidence for a SynergisticEffect of Ozone and Ultrasound forthe Elimination of Total OrganicCarbon from Water
An Improved Calculation of theExergy of Natural Resources forExergetic Life Cycle Assessment(ELCA)
Accumulation of Persistent OrganicPollutants in Canopies of DifferentForest Types: Role of SpeciesComposition andAltitudinal-Temperature Gradient
Carmakers opt for “greener” paints
Source Allocation by Least-SquaresHydrocarbon Fingerprint Matching
Structural and Fractal Properties ofParticles Emitted from SparkIgnition Engines
Using Chemical and Isotopic Datato Quantify Ionic Trapping ofInjected Carbon Dioxide in Oil FieldBrines
Fate, Transport, and Biodegradation of Natural Estrogensin the Environment and Engineered Systems
Exploring the Influence ofGranular Iron Additives on1,1,1-Trichloroethane Reduction
Are Services Better for ClimateChange?
Control of Acidity Development onSolid Sulfur Due to Bacterial Action
Spatial Distribution of NaturalEnrichments of Arsenic, Selenium,and Uranium in a MinerotrophicPeatland, Gola di Lago, CantonTicino, Switzerland
High Speed, High Resolution, andContinuous Chemical Analysis of IceCores Using a Melter and IonChromatography
Response to Comment on “AmericanExceptionalism? Similarities and Differences inNational Attitudes Toward Energy Policy andGlobal Warming”
TiO2-Induced HeterogeneousPhotodegradation of a FluorotelomerAlcohol in Air
Size Fractionation andCharacterisation of Fresh WaterColloids and Particles: Split-FlowThin-Cell and Electron MicroscopyAnalyses
Contrasting Effects of DissimilatoryIron(III) and Arsenic(V) Reductionon Arsenic Retention and Transport
Diffuse and Point Sources of Silicain the Seine River Watershed
Structural Analysis of OligomericMolecules Formed from theReaction Products of Oleic AcidOzonolysis
Communication of Radiation-InducedStress or Bystander Signalsbetween Fish in Vivo
Excellence in Review Award
Comment on “American Exceptionalism?Similarities and Differences in NationalAttitudes Toward Energy Policy and GlobalWarming”
Deposition of MagneticNanoparticles Suspended in the GasPhase on a Specific Target Area
Mutagenic Compounds Generatedfrom the Chlorination of DisperseAzo-Dyes and Their Presence inDrinking Water
Novel Reduction of Mercury(II) byMercury-Sensitive DissimilatoryMetal Reducing Bacteria
Fertilizer from Chile puts perchlorate on the table | News Briefs: Bringing back a killer pesticide ` Rocket fuel masculinizes fish ` EPA to monitor air from animal feedlots ` Cleanup hazards of 9/11 ` Insurer fights climate change | Hormesis gets massive data support | Tracking buried CO2 | Can you catch radiation sickness? | Northern fires feed southern smog | Underground heat gives light
Environmental optimist or pessimist?
Modeling Seasonal Redox Dynamicsand the Corresponding Fate of thePharmaceutical Residue PhenazoneDuring Artificial Recharge ofGroundwater
Tissue Lead Concentration duringChronic Exposure of Pimephalespromelas (Fathead Minnow) toLead Nitrate in Aquarium Water
Genes Associated with Heavy MetalTolerance and Accumulation inZn/Cd HyperaccumulatorArabidopsis halleri: A GenomicSurvey with cDNA Microarray
Three-Component CompetitiveAdsorption Model for Fixed-Bed andMoving-Bed Granular ActivatedCarbon Adsorbers. Part I. ModelDevelopment
Competitive Cu and Cd Sorption andTransport in Soils: A CombinedBatch Kinetics, Column, andSequential Extraction Study
High Sensitivity in Situ Monitoringof NO3 in an AtmosphericSimulation Chamber UsingIncoherent BroadbandCavity-Enhanced AbsorptionSpectroscopy
Fluorecent Staining for Study ofExtracellular Polymeric Substancesin Membrane Biofouling Layers
Characterizing Pore-ScaleDissolution of Organic ImmiscibleLiquid in Natural Porous MediaUsing Synchrotron X-rayMicrotomography
Fate of Pentabrominated DiphenylEthers in Soil: Abiotic Sorption,Plant Uptake, and the Impact ofInterspecific Plant Interactions
Atmospheric OrganochlorinePesticide Concentrations Near theGreat Lakes: Temporal and SpatialTrends
Isotopic Composition of Zn and PbAtmospheric Depositions in anUrban/Periurban Area ofNortheastern France
Spatial and Seasonal Variations ofHexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) andHexachlorobenzene (HCB) in theArctic Atmosphere
Passive Partitioning ofPolychlorinated Biphenyls betweenSeawater and Zooplankton, a StudyComparing Observed FieldDistributions to Equilibrium SorptionExperiments
Perchlorate in the United States.Analysis of Relative SourceContributions to the Food Chain
Scorodite Dissolution Kinetics: Implications for Arsenic Release
Three-Component CompetitiveAdsorption Model for Fixed-Bed andMoving-Bed Granular ActivatedCarbon Adsorbers. Part II. ModelParameterization and Verification
Partitioning of CPs, PCDEs, andPCDD/Fs between Particulate andExperimentally Enhanced DissolvedNatural Organic Matter in aContaminated Soil
Evaluation of the Current State of Mechanistic AquaticBiogeochemical Modeling: Citation Analysis and FuturePerspectives
Hydrodynamic and MicrobialProcesses Controlling Nitrate in aFissured-Porous Karst Aquifer of theFranconian Alb, Southern Germany
Reduction of Nitrous Oxide Emissionfrom Pig Manure Composting byAddition of Nitrite-Oxidizing Bacteria
Emission Factors for Gas-PoweredVehicles Traveling Through RoadTunnels in São Paulo, Brazil
Pump-and-Treat Remediationof Chlorinated SolventContamination at a ControlledField-Experiment Site
Secondary Wastewater Polishingwith Ultrafiltration Membranes forUnrestricted Reuse: Fouling andFlushing Modeling
Removal of Two WaterbornePathogenic Bacterial Strains byActivated Carbon Particles Prior toand after Charge Modification
The Microbial “Resistome”
Aqueous Oxidation of PhenylureaHerbicides by Triplet AromaticKetones
Use of Strontium Isotopes toIdentify Buried Water Main LeakageInto Groundwater in a HighlyUrbanized Coastal Area
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