| - During the oxychlorination of ethylene, the composition of the catalyst, cupric chloride, is subjectto change, and hence estimation of rate parameters considering the unsteady-state situation ismore reliable than assuming steady state. In the present work, nonisothermal experimentaldata are collected in an unsteady-state fixed-bed reactor by changing the inlet temperature usinga temperature-programmed preheater. The rate parameters are estimated by developing anunsteady-state model which takes into account not only the reaction temperature and gas-phaseconversions but also changes in the solid-phase composition in the catalyst bed. The rateparameters estimated in this study are found to be different from the steady-state values reportedin the literature. The disagreement in the rate parameters has been explained in terms of theproperties associated with the solid phase. The most significant feature of this work is that therate-temperature behavior, calculated using the present rate constants, corresponds closely withthat derived from independent catalyst composition studies reported in the literature, thusindirectly validating the parameters estimated in this work.