| - The ability of the Unifac-FV and Entropic-FV models to predict phase equilibria for dendrimersystems is investigated in this work. Different approaches are considered for the estimation ofthe density of the dendrimers, which is required as input parameter in the free-volume models.The density is not always available for such polymers.The predictions obtained by the two modelsare compared with recent vapor−liquid equilibrium experimental data for dendrimer systems.It is shown in this study that both methods represent satisfactorily the experimental data inmany cases, whereas Unifac-FV performs better for PAMAM dendrimers (where some of theinteraction parameters are missing). However, Unifac-FV is the model that is most influencedby the dendrimer's density. Both models yield better results when experimental densities areemployed (for AR dendrimers), but in those cases where such data are not available, predicteddensities can be reliably obtained via the van Krevelen method (for C12 and A4 dendrimers).