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À propos de : Scale-up and Modeling of Fixed-Bed Reactors for Catalytic PhenolOxidation over Adsorptive Active Carbon        

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  • Scale-up and Modeling of Fixed-Bed Reactors for Catalytic PhenolOxidation over Adsorptive Active Carbon
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  • The wet air oxidation of phenol over a commercial active carbon catalyst has been studied inlaboratory-scale and pilot-plant fixed-bed reactors at mild temperatures and oxygen partialpressures of 120−160 °C and 0.05−0.2 MPa, respectively. The performances of the fixed-bedreactors have been assessed and compared to each other for both up- and downflow operationmode. Depending on the flow mode and reactor scale, distinct phenol destruction rates havebeen observed in the experiments. A series of batch experiments are carried out to obtain phenolremoval kinetics, which are subsequently implemented in the modeling of the pilot-plant fixed-bed reactor. A one-dimensional, nonisothermal piston dispersion model is developed to describein detail the interplay of reaction kinetics, gas−liquid hydrodynamics, and heat and mass transferin both flow directions. The model predicts reasonably well the experimental data, thus allowingfor a thorough explanation of the observed pilot-plant reactor performance.
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