| - This paper utilizes the Taguchi optimization methodology (L27 orthogonal array) to optimize various parametersfor the simultaneous removal of Cd, Ni, and Zn metal ions from aqueous solutions using bagasse fly ash(BFA) as an adsorbent. The effect of such parameters as the initial metal concentrations (C0,i), temperature,initial pH, adsorbent dosage (m), and contact time on the adsorption of the aforementioned metal ions hasbeen studied at three levels to determine their effect on the selected response characteristic (the total amountof metal adsorbed on BFA, in terms of mg/g of BFA (qtot)). The Pareto analysis of variance shows that m isthe most significant parameter, with a 53.14% and 31.25% contribution to the qtot and signal-to-noise (S/N)ratio data. The contribution of interactions between the C0,i values is also significant. Confirmation experimentshave been performed to prove the effectiveness of the Taguchi technique after the optimum levels of processparameters are determined.