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À propos de : Concentration of Wax Derivatives with Supercritical Fluids: 1. A FeasibilityStudy        

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  • Concentration of Wax Derivatives with Supercritical Fluids: 1. A FeasibilityStudy
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  • Currently alcohol ethoxylates produced contain a wide distribution of the number of ethylene oxide unitsadded. One possible method to reduce the wide distribution is with the use of supercritical fluids. From theirphase behavior in supercritical propane, it can be seen that a significant difference in solubilization existsbetween an n-alkane (starting material), an n-alcohol (intermediate), and alcohol ethoxylates, thus, incombination with the concept of group contribution, indicating that propane may be able to fractionate awide-distribution alcohol ethoxylate according to the number of ethylene oxide units. An analysis of therelative solubility was used to further show the large solubility difference and to assist in determining suitableoperational parameters. An experimental countercurrent pilot plant test at 393 K and 130 bar showed that,although these conditions are not optimal, supercritical propane has the ability to fractionate alcohol ethoxylatesaccording to the number of ethylene oxide units. Optimization of the experimental conditions is requiredbefore the process can be used commercially.
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