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À propos de : New Insights into the Structure and Properties of Electroactive Polymer Films Derivedfrom [Ni(salen)]        

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  • New Insights into the Structure and Properties of Electroactive Polymer Films Derivedfrom [Ni(salen)]
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  • Oxidativeelectrochemical polymerization of(N,N ‘-ethylenebis(salicylideneaminato))nickel(II), [Ni(salen)], in acetonitrile/TEAP wasinvestigated. Integration of data from all techniques revealed theelectropolymerization of [Ni(salen)] to be ultimately aligand-based-process and that poly[Ni(salen)] exhibitsphysical/chemical properties which cannot be attributed to anaggregation of individual complexes, behaving rather like apolyphenylene compound.
  • Oxidative electrochemical polymerization of(N,N ‘-ethylenebis(salicylideneaminato))nickel(II), [Ni(salen)], inacetonitrile/TEAP was reinvestigated. The polymers werecharacterized by in situ FTIR and UV−visiblespectroscopies in order to explore film structure and to clarify theelectronic states as a function of theelectrochemically controlled applied redox potential; oxidized speciesinvolved in polymerization and oxidativeswitching of the polymer were also assessed by ex situ EPRexperiments. Integration of data from all techniquesrevealed that (a) electropolymerization of [Ni(salen)] isultimately a ligand-based-process that takes place througha mixture of o- and p-linking of the phenyl ringsand (b) poly[Ni(salen)] exhibits physical/chemicalpropertiesthat cannot be attributed to an aggregation of individual complexes,behaving rather like a polyphenylene compound,with the metal ion acting as a bridge between biphenylenemoieties.
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