Polynuclear Aggregation of ManganeseDichloride. Syntheses, Properties, and Structuresof Polymeric [MnCl2(THF)1.6]∞, Dimeric[(THF)4Mg(μ-Cl)2MnCl2], and Ionic [Mg(H2O)2(THF)4][Mg(H2O)4(THF)2][MnCl4]2·2THFCompounds
The crystallization of MnCl2 intetrahydrofuran results in the formation of polymeric[MnCl2(THF)1.6] (1) with anunexpected structure. This species represents the firstcrystallographically defined example of tetranuclear[Mn4(μ3-Cl)2(μ2-Cl)4Cl2(THF)6]units linked by MnCl2(THF)2 moieties.Our observations highlight the importance of theM4X6 core present in 1 as acomponent of α-olefin polymerizationcatalysts.